
Responses from riley804

Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?
leave this thread alone. and who are you to tell me what to do ?amazing how many keyboard warriors there are out there. 
Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?
I’m sorry, I think you’ve missed a lot of my threads which were pro something, which then the trolls jumped into.Please don’t blame me for threads the trolls have had to ruin.Even in this thread, I say "Hey, I saw a cool kit" and some one had to... 
Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?
when Erik first joined this site , he was real big on pushing the diy speaker build and putting pillows between the speakers . it also seemed that he always had an answer for everything.   after a while I thought maybe it’s just me as I was growin... 
Mofi One record cleaning solution
read the last sentence 
Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Edition 
Oh, oh,,, what did I touch?
look to your right and it says that.... 
What is the protocol here?
@stereo5 I knew about the 4 weeks....BUT we have now gone passed that time....but like I said, I am not going to worry about it.    it will get here when it gets here.              I dont know what is going on at his end of there coul... 
What is the protocol here?
if we all lived in a perfect world, then you would have the item that you paid for by now.....but as you know, we dont live in a perfect there a lack of communication on this....sure there is, and maybe the seller had to leave at the last... 
Buyer request to delay shipment after purchase
don’t think you want to print the label now.....that you would have to wait til your ready to ship.or you can go to the site and setup the shipping date and then the label will be good for that day. 
Buyer request to delay shipment after purchase
Not sure what is so hard about this?if the item has been paid for, then have the buyer contact you when he returns from his vacation and then ship the item,seems pretty easy 
Component Stacking Question
Why not just get some kind of stand?audio advisor has some stands for around $100  
Mytek Brooklyn - What is an actual upgrade?
"    is there a reasonably affordable DAC today that would be an actual upgrade, as opposed to just different?"I am sure that there is....but what do you consider affordable....$1000 ?, $2000?, $3000 ?why do you think you need a different DAC ?      
not trying to be disrespectful in any way.....but to the OP.....arent you at the age now where you could really care less what anybody else thinks about what you have ?so your friend doesnt like the sound of how your system sounds .....big deal.  ... 
Doing the Power Cord Thing
when looking to buy a power cord for say a amp, how do you know which one to get ?    does a company make a power cord to sound a certain way ? 
Zu Omen MK11 Speakers and Nachamichi Strsis SR 2A Receiver...Good Match ?
You said in your other thread that it sounds good ?if it sounds good, then enjoy it.