
Responses from riley804

Kevin Halverson - HRT
website is up   : you tried contacting them ? 
Hi-res streaming on Qobuz
However it sounds so damn good I guess it doesn’t matter. if it ain't broke, dont fix it. sometimes you have to leave well enough alone. 
Hi-res streaming on Qobuz
Interestingly, the Oppo player doesn’t go through the DAC. So the problem may in the Gumby.process of elimination 
Hi-res streaming on Qobuz
@ rvpianorecently you had started a thread about possibly getting new speakers and that didnt work out due to the dealer......but were you doing that because you wanted to change the current ones OR you were hoping that this would solve the solve ... 
Hi-res streaming on Qobuz
how long have you noticed that there is no difference ? 
Rekokut Turntable model NL 33H...Anyone Familiar with this model ?
if you go to vinyl engine you can get all the info you want on this 
Try to train them...again, or simply shoot them?
if this really did happen.....have you thought about making copies of the cd's that you have and  keep them on a hd or burn them to disk and then when they want to         " borrow " some music, you can burn it to cd or give them a copy ?or.......... 
Audiophiles must be careful with their remotes, vs. items on ebay.
i think if someone is looking for a particular piece of equipment they will already know that a remote should come with it. 
Audiophiles must be careful with their remotes, vs. items on ebay.
why the concern of what is sold over on ebay ? 
Perhaps just O.F.S., but I still have fond audio memory of the Wireworld Gold Eclipse 3...
that cable was good for the system that you had at that time.....but would it work with what you have now ?you always seem to talk about what you have had you not have a system now ?    why not talk about that vs what you had all the time ?... 
Am I too big of a jerk,even for audiogon?
@stereo5 +1 Case in point, I hate all Class D amplifiers and nothing will ever change my mind. Every time you posted about Class D and I disagreed, you went off on me in a bad way, even suggesting I never listened to the amp you were talking about... 
Am I too big of a jerk,even for audiogon?
i don’t really care for you as you come across some one who thinks they know everything that there is to when i see the title of the thread and the OP happens to be you, i just don’t open it and read it.i know that a lot of members l... 
GoldenEar Triton 1 vs. Triton 1R
so start a thread over there.or email the company and ask them  
GoldenEar Triton 1 vs. Triton 1R
in doing a google search , this question has been asked a if you want to read what others have said, i just copy and pasted your title into google.   i also see that there is a goldenear could join and ask there as well 
Buying used Sherbourn 7/2100a x 2 for 14 channels or saving up to buy new Emotiva xpa-7’s?
 I haven’t been able to find much current information about anyone using these amps that should tell you something right there.