
Responses from richopp

What Percentage Off Would You Expect to Discount For Open Box Amp with Blemish
@tom_hankins is right, but hey, the box is open, the amp is discontinued, and it has a BLEMISH!!!OMG, as the youngsters say.You should get it for free, or THEY SHOULD PAY YOU to take it off their hands, right?RIGHT!!!Then, when it needs service, t... 
Does anyone collect something else other than music.
@tom6897  Since I retired from a big company where we dressed every day, I have about 100 ties I no longer wear if you are interested...mostly BB from the last 25 years or so...nothing too wild, I'm afraid.  Ties were $2.50 when I started buying t... 
Does anyone collect something else other than music.
Sweaters.  Don't ask, and I have no idea why.  I have several hundred vintage sweaters mostly from Hadley (formally from Weaverville, NC), Ballantyne (now made in CHINA!!), Dalton (gone today; from Cleveland, OH originally--my dad knew them), Prin... 
old high end preamps..
I purchased a used ARC SP-6 for my system recently and am amazed how much better it is than the fairly-well regarded Luxman CL-32 I had been using.Also, it was CHEAP, and I am poor, so it was a great sonic addition to my system.  I have no experie... 
Looking for an integrated amp around 4000 to 5000.
Audio Research made some--50 and 75, I believe.  You might want to check them out while seeking one for your system.Cheers! 
If you had to start all over again in this day and age
@aero222  MY BAD!  Clearly misinterpreted your post--glad to hear that the products have improved.  Obviously, I have not had an opportunity to hear their new stuff.  The D-150 was the last big thing I heard from them and it was outstanding...I wo... 
Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?
Had to for the last 45 years or so...built a Hafler 500 from a kit in 1974 or so and have been using CL-32 Luxman preamps on it since then.  Both CL-32's finally gave up...evidently no matter how much I paid, and I paid a lot, they don't seem to b... 
If you had to start all over again in this day and age
@aero222 Interesting post.  As a former shop owner, I am with you.  We sold Mc because doctors liked the looks of it, and yes, it sounded horrible.  We made stands for the ML HQD system, but his stuff sounded worse than the Mc, and that is going s... 
My Demo results: I feel like I'm at a frustrating block in my speaker journey
Have your dealer set up a pair of Magneplaner speakers in YOUR ROOM and see if they work for you.Cheers,Richard 
Subwoofers - Front Firing or Down Firing - Which Sounds Best?
Here you go: Get yourself a couple of Hartley 24" subs and you will have all the bass you need, I would guess...Cheers!(Full disclosure:  We made some cabs for these back in the day..... 
Vinyl News
@bdp24  Yes, it got me as well.  As a former dealer, the more you spent on ANY item was a great thing to me!  You want $100K speakers?  Yes, sir or ma'am, we can do that!!Given that I could lock the door at the end of the day and spend as much tim... 
Vinyl News
@edcyn  Now you're talkin'!I did not realize that was a NYT comment.  Whatever.  Some have too much time on their hands, I guess, or are frustrated journalism professors or something.Vinyl is cool, but then I sold the Mayorga albums in the mind-19... 
Vinyl News
What in the world are you talking about?  Take a walk around the block or something.  You have been inside too long, I fear.It is an article about quality vinyl.  Period.  If you don't like vinyl, go somewhere else.  Some of us do.Good grief! 
Lifespan of amps and preamps?
Well, let's see.  I am using, for now until I can find a decent used ARC amp, the Hafler 500 I built myself (they used to sell it as a kit) sitting at the desk in my shop in 1975.  Had it tested a month ago.  He adjusted the bias and it measured a... 
Need help replacing my beloved Magnepan....
+1 with @johnto and others who suggest replacing Maggies with Maggies.  No other speaker reproduces music as accurately as Maggies, IMO.The limitations you note are evidently size.  Move them when you are not listening, or go with the smaller Magg...