
Responses from richmon

More on the Onzow Zerodust
Found a very interesting post from johnss from 5/12/2020. Seems he's been examinng LP's with a microscope and seeing these cantilever gunkies: to paraphrease his post (thank you johnss): "Have looked into this for a long time and taken many micro... 
Fedex and Ups Damage thread
Methinks whenever a UPS or FedEx disgruntled employee see's a 'fragile' sticker(s) they intentionally manhandle it. Had a Conrad Johnson MF2250 sent into the factory for upgrade, on the return leg to me, it was dented big time, looked like the fo... 
Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health
hope Eric comes to grips with diminishing playing skills, I thought of how Keith Emerson dealt with his diminishing ability to play when I read this. +1 on the 'Blues' recommendation, I find much of his solo stuff uneven, that Blues collection as... 
Grounding cable gauge size
Please help me to understand, I'm curious to try this speaker grounding tweak since my speaker cables go directly into a floor hole and are suspended in the rafters of my basement. So I can run a wire from the black '--' speaker terminal to eithe... 
Grounding cable gauge size
Thank you Ozzy for trying this stuff and reporting your results, I think it was you that put me onto the Puritan power filiters which continue to wow me. Just read an Analog Corner article from Nov 2021 on electrical wiring that I thought might i... 
More on the Onzow Zerodust
On a a lark, googled 'is dust magnetic' , appears there's some studies that show it can be: My previous residence was at the top of a hill close to an I95 beltway, the constant tire grinding up the road debris made this weird fine dust settle on m... 
More on the Onzow Zerodust
I only have a 40X jewelers loupe to examine my cartridge. When this Onzow issue first was reported, I noticed similar looking 'dots' of whiteish grey spots on the cantilever and cartridge body magnets, while gently trying to scrape them off, I not... 
More on the Onzow Zerodust
I'm very interested in the composition of these stylus deposits, I have used Onzow and noticed similar deposits when viewing stylus with magnification. The magnetic field is rather strong from a moving coil cartridge body and speculate this field... 
Best Bang for the Buck Upgrade
It's a 'system' so changing one thing is just a part  of the bang... Improving your power to the system ( I use and recomend Puritan Audio PSM136 or PSM156) will  upgrade your source and amplification in one swell foop. I have dedicated lines and... 
Guess Millercarbon’s shilling Ravens did not pay off.
i've appreciated  alot of his postings on tweaks etc, he made, always striving to improve things, and share results.. Methinks the beatdown he got from Upscale audio over tube amp design has him licking his wounds -seems to me to have disappeared... 
Puritan PSM 156
Just got my PSM136 and no owners manual, just a plastic bag of ground master ads, testimonials and what not. There is a 5 year guarantee certificate enclosed,  you write in the purchase date and dealer details, the serial number already filled in.  
RIP oregonpapa
Very saddened to hear this, wishing his family strength at this difficult time. From The Art9 cartridge, PPT products and purple fuses, found Franks listening impressions to be good solid recomends and I was rewarded with great sound by trusting ... 
Interesting information from Analog Planet on Stylus Cleaner Onzow Zero Dust.
@mulveling .. +1 on this: "Whatever cleaning regimen you choose, full stylus & cantilever brushing should be a part of it." Sometime over the last week my vinyl lost some of the magic. As part of this Onzow gunk thread, I've been scrutinizin... 
Onzow ZeroDust reportedly leaves a residue
Using my Carson 8X magnifier (from office max) and LED flashlight I was able so see a similar debris buildup on my cantilever. At this level of magnify I can't see the stylus very well.  I eagerly await WallyTools lab analysis of what this stuff ... 
Onzow ZeroDust reportedly leaves a residue
I clean my Onxbow with a brush after every few cartridge smushes. Wonder if those close ups are re-deposited Lp detritus from a stockpile of stylus cleanings?