
Responses from richard_stacy

quiet hiss in backround?
update,,,after doing some reading in old threads re hiss, i went through and shut down one at a time and it seems the theta is the root. when powered off, the hiss is reduced and the only remaining noise is a very, very faint noise, more buzz than... 
Wilson Benesch Torus and Thiel SS2 subwoofers
thanks for the comparison post milimetr.i am wondering if you may not have a problem with your thiel. i can say i have never heard any ratttle from mine and have played often at concert (and beyond!) levels. my sub test song is from laurie anderso... 
Wilson Benesch Torus and Thiel SS2 subwoofers
i have been using the thiel sw1 for many years (which is the ss2 now). i am very pleased with it although it has been mostly used for movies. i do have a setting for music that i use now and again but my speakers do a very nice job on their own. a... 
Room size suitable for which Wilsons?
my room is 16 x 14 with ceilings 9' 7". my watt puppy's sound very, very good. i have no treatments with the exceptions of three floor to ceiling drapes and a painting on canvas that covers most of one side wall. i am sure some bass treatments wou... 
quiet hiss in backround?
here is the response from krell (2 days later)...Through Watts it doesn’t surprise me to hear some background hiss through the tweeter. It is normal unless it is i guess it is normal! thanks for all your thoughts. i did switch my amp... 
quiet hiss in backround?
wish i was. 
quiet hiss in backround?
actually, no need to change the amps...if i put my ear to the rear tweeter, i get the same sound just faint. the description earlier in the thread is best, like putting your ear to a sea shell. i am beginning to think it is normal or some sort of ... 
quiet hiss in backround?
thanks tvad. that amp has won just about every award there is. interesting company and one that i think is going to do very very well. never heard the amp but would like too. quite a value. 
Best sub 4000 dollar standmount.
another for the revel gems here. 
quiet hiss in backround?
thanks macrojack. i'm sure there are better sounding for less but as we were discussing, not sure what direction to go. miss the days of getting stuff to demo, this can be somewhat of a gamble. the more i read, the audio research 110 sounds like a... 
quiet hiss in backround?
mike i am going to lose my audiogon privileges for asking these questions...i am really not an audiophile, i just love music and great sound. i know some but not much compared to allot of the guys on much different are tube amps? do the... 
quiet hiss in backround?
just lost a long response...i hate that...anyway...that is great stuff, appreciate your thoughts allot! the comments on the bat amp are very strong and i have heard good things about them previously. i have never owned tubes and know little about ... 
quiet hiss in backround?
i agree re used stuff. most of mine was purchased on here but i did know the guys really well at one shop so we used to play around with stuff quite a what would you do to maximize what i have (value) and get some better sound...don't inclu... 
quiet hiss in backround?
although i say i wouldn't replace it...part is love but part is money and apathy as well. over time, it rises and falls in the scope of priority and we get those moments where we realize it all sounds good and we are just playing like kids in a sa... 
quiet hiss in backround?
mike i also have no intention of replacing it. i love the sound of it and would live with the subtle hiss before i moved to another amp. i do hate the size and weight and hope to never pick it up again.