

Responses from riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook

Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
I have 2 Friends using the 590 with Harbeth 40.2 (86DB) and Aerial Acoustics 5T (87DB) with great success. What model speakers are you using that are harder to drive than those?? 
Luxman 509X vs Mc452 + preamp
That 30 W is enough to drive 86DB Speakers with ease as I have heard in 2 other systems. What speakers are you using that cant be driven by the 590?? 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
I prefer to have Multiple setups so that it can accommodate the different styles of music I listen to. Obviously AC/DC and Dan Fogelberg aren't going to sound equally compelling if your limited to one lineup of amps/speakers. You put the "Soft" st... 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
I can live with 3 watts...depends on what Speakers you have. Those 30 Watts are misleading as you will find out if you do your homework.Jetter...Never used the Pass. Came in a Bulk Deal. Person I got it from (original owner) used it with the Lux 9... 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
I wont be using a 590 unless I get too weak to carry the 100 pound amps around (Which could be any day now). My current inventory is:Dag 400 Monos, ARC 160M Monos, ARC REF 10, Audio Note Jinro, Ayre KX-R Twenty, Pass Labs XA-25, Luxman C900/M900..... 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
Might want to try the Luxman 590AXII. Several people I know have switched from the 509 to the 590 which has more of the CLASS A traits....Warmer/sweeter, better highs etc.  The 509 Mirrors the M900 Amps where the 590 is closer to the M800A profile... 
Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier, opinions and competition
There was a review I read on the AHB2 that compared it to the Chord TToby. I have NEVER even heard of this Chord amp and yet according to this reviewer I think I would prefer it as its Warmer/Sweeter etc.  I cant even find a review of this Chord a... 
Luxman 509X vs Mc452 + preamp
Why are you choosing the 509X which has very little Class A over the 590AXII? I know numerous people who jumped on the 509X Hype train only to switch to the 590AXII later. I would never go back to Mcintosh after hearing Luxman/Dagostino/ARC etc  I... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
My buddy just ordered the Tubador with every possible upgrade...around $2200.  When I get his "review" I will jump on the bandwagon if its a stellar report. 
MORE Esoteric problems
As an owner of the Esoteric K-01X 30th Anniversary model I can say without hesitation I would never buy another Esoteric. The Dac pales in comparison to the Luxman D-08U. Esoteric is highly overrated as a Disc Player. The Chord Dave/Blu2 Combo als... 
Best speakers for classic rock
Ive had MANY JBL's and I can tell you DONT get the L100's for 70's/80's Classic Rock. I would also NEVER suggest HARBETH because they are far too polite for this Genre.My favorite JBL's is actually a Combo that I use together...The L166 for the Hi... 
Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier, opinions and competition
Kal Rubinson (The King of Multi-Channel Reviewers) uses 3 of these as Monoblocks in his 5.1 system. Has them hooked up to his Audio Research MP-1 Multi Channel Pre-Amp.  High praise indeed!!  
What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)?
You can find plenty of Joseph Audio Pulsar's available but finding the Pearl's/Perspectives are tough. Was recently a pair of Pearl 3's here on Audiogon and they were snatched up in 2-3 days for 18K. 
Recent purchase - JBL 4410 Studio Monitors (Restoration Needs?)
NOS Parts will cost you a small fortune if you need them...unless you buy used. MILLERSOUND has worked on all my JBL's and I highly recommend Bill if you need any work done. 
What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)?
  I see O'93 pretty regular on Audiogon...Rarely O'96.  I happen to have O'96's still sitting in their crates in a custom color you've never seen...Guess I would describe them as a Honey/Butterscotch color with a Quartz/Burl finish. I also have Au...