
Discussions rgs92 has started

Vibration control devices for EMM CDSA.559912
Can all power cords be classified as 1 of 2 types?417610
Power conditioner for EMM CDSA ?494212
Why do the new 2009 Beatles CDs sound so good?1252717
Meridian 808.3720210
Are the new TG power cords as good as the old ones14850
Review: Rudistor RP010B Headphone Amp Amplifier58233
Hydra 8 -- Normal for labels on back to wear off?317412
Tube coolers?527211
I love my little Quad 9Ls;will I like bigger ones?44449
Review: Swan Active Desktop MKIII (Mark 3) Monitor46613
How are McIntosh C46 tone controls different?43954
tube advice 5687s52416
Nice power cable for EMM DCC2-SE: Stealth Dream38297
Speakers that reveal bad recordings? Not for me.1663440