
Responses from rgd

Bryston B-60R SST integrated amp suggestions
I've heard the BCD-1 and its very good with lots of detail and but could be perceived as wee bit sterile. The Arcam may offer up less detail but could be a bit more "polite" in presentation.I think you need to better define what is lacking in the ... 
Cleaning Matte Silver Gear Bryston
I would email Bryston directly as they no doubt swab down everything before they package it up for shipping. Alternately you could visit the Bryston BB over at Audiocircles where VP James Tanner is a frequent poster... 
Oppo 83 SE wich would be best for my system vs 83
I believe the general consensus is that if you are ONLY using the digital out there is no difference in the performance of the two units. The upgrade with the 83SE is strictly associated with the 2 channel and multi-channel analog outputs. 
Blue ray player with good audio
Tgrisham - have you had any opportunity to use your new BDP-80 on SACD software yet and if so what are your thoughts? 
Best BluRay Concerts
there may not be any surprises but this may negate the neck tie with the pictures of various fly fishing flies on it although if that's your thing as well... 
What's your profession? Age?
Wow this is an old thread...Now its 6 months shy of 50 and I'd give my eye teeth to be back where I was at when I first posted... 
Bryston BDA-1 se dac
Touching on the Bryston warranty - If you purchase the "SE" version of the DAC-1 from that modding company you may have to have all the issues dealt with by the modders themselves as modding the DAC-1 "may" negate the factory warranty... 
Why no professional reviews of Evolution Acoustic
I believe E-zine Positive Feedback will be reviewing a pair this year (which may be the publication that Jtinn is alluding to) and David Robinson always pens a detailed and IMHO an honest review so stay tuned... 
Your views on Ayre C5xeMP vs. Esoteric X-03 SE
I have heard the Ayre at a dealer and my buddy has a X01 D2 and they are different and as I have owned neither I will offer this advice...The rest of your system will define the better choice to your ears. Let's assume that you are like the averag... 
Bryston BDA-1 DAC, any thoughts?
like just about any other product that gets modded - it will void the manufacturer's warranty. Hopefully there will never be a need to repair it within the 5 year warranty period or at least the modder will hopefully honor the warranty... 
Bryston 7B-SST vs. 14B-SST
Lets assume you are referring to the latest "squared" versions. If not then the 28B amps would be in another league. The only differences I am aware of the 7B amps have a little more capacitance. Only you can know if the jump to the 28B amps are w... 
maggie SMG sounds dead
My suggestion is to canvass the opinion of those over at the Planar Asylum @ Audio Asylum. That is where many of the Maggie lovers congregate. 
Which Preamp will go well with Mag 3.6R ?
"Macdadtexas,>>> 7BSST's (really the same thing as the 14bsst) >>I jsut noticed this,,,7BSST is almost same as 14BSST???I can get 7B at half the price of 14B. (actually the 7B is the same price as 4B !)So 7BSST will do fine?"The 7BS... 
virtual dynamics new ultra clear interconnects
Just an FYI I emailed Rick about a possible balanced version being available and his reply was "No, no time lines just a hope that eventually..." 
SS Amps that are NOT warm and euphonic ?
Another vote for Bryston