

Responses from retiredfarmer

Mark Levinson Repairs
Call Chris Johnson  in Burlington  Ontario  he owns parts connection  and he will get it fixed. He is one of the largest dealers of hi fi parts in the world.   
Budget preamp with quality volume control
I would agree with above find an older badboy. It will mop the floor with a new cheap  one. I would personally  look for an Ayre k1xe  or k3 or a canary 800 pair. The old classe Dr series would be great a threshold  fet 10e etc get yourself  a top... 
The best speaker cables you’ve had
Sure  not dire  
The best speaker cables you’ve had
Transparent  reference xl.  Not dire there is anything better out there   
What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen?
Lol it is always a good idea not to say much in a hi-fi  store and listen  to what they don't know. Then never forget that almost all the customers  have a much higher net worth than the salesman  do. If they get to bad don't be afraid  to let the... 
I have a pair of mark levinson  33h mono blocks each one weighs over two hundred pounds they double every time the impedance  is halved and they are stable  to 1/2 an ohm. They stay class a all the time and when they were tested the output power w... 
Dedicated power circuits
@invalid  say you have two lines a foot apart  through the studs every couple of stud spaces the  top wire goes through the bottom hole and the bottom  wire hoes through the top whole   
Dedicated power circuits
@invalid  well the worst  is running  parallel  close together.    
Dedicated power circuits
Yes all the lines on the same.leg. also.make sure the.lines are the exact same length  Also cross the wires over a few.times on the way to the outlets. I like the bad boy furutech  plugs I run both hold and rhodium  I have six dedicated  20 amp ci... 
Dedicated power circuits
Yes all the lines on the same.leg. also.make sure the.lines are the exact same length  Also cross the wires over a few.times on the way to the outlets. I like the bad boy furutech  plugs I run both hold and rhodium  I have six dedicated  20 amp ci... 
Fantasy or reality? Inexpensive solid state preamps that get you 80% there?
Well if you want a aid state preamp and you are thinking Ayre have you thought about a k3? A k3 is a wonderful preamp and you should  e able to get one for around 2k usd.  If you want to spend more a k1 should be able to be found for around your 4... 
Power cord length
@wrighton  I do find a difference  in the sound between  different  lengths of powercords and the sorter ones I don't care for as much but a good short cord is better than a cheap computer  cord. Remember  it is your system  and what you like not ... 
8-10k budget suggestions please
You bought a good enough  amp here is where the fun or the frustration  begins. As you build a system with higher end gear you will find things that are not right. Deciding  which piece is the under preforming  one can be the hard part. The cablin... 
Power conditioner wire gauge? Serious issue
Power conditioner wire gauge? Serious issue
@carlsbad  you are  ery right in your assessment  of power conditioners