
Responses from resolution1

Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
t_ramey,I moved the Mat, that was in my office system, on my dac to my main breaker panel about four days ago. I found that it did positively impact the main system, which has a Mat on on the CD player, immediately. The effect of Mat on the breake... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
the audiotweak,General description: A large Refrigerator magnet.rc 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Tim,Thanks for the answer.General Mat update: Though one does not need loud volume levels to hear the effects of the Mat, I was shocked by how much louder I could turn it up with the mats in place. The noise reduction is so effective that I can tu... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Tim,Would a smaller Mat be better suited and/or recommend to be placed under a powerstrip, feeding the main and office system, even if the larger one is on the breaker panel?Thanks,rc 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I have a real problem. I was listing to some music on my main system this evening and for the last week and have really enjoyed the Mat’s effects on the music. Then I took the Mat from my office dac and put it on the inside of my electric breaker ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
t_rameyI have one Mat on top of my resolution audio opus21 CD player and it has dropped the noise floor dramatically while making the music more dramatic, impactful and engaging throughout the frequency spectrum. The soundstage is the first thing ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Stray_cat,If you read my much earlier post I had just got done tweaking my main and office systems with Audience power conditioners, power chords, interconnects, shunatta venum defenders  and stillpoints. With that in mind, TC was the least expens... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Stray_cat,I treated my office and main system and still have one third of my TC tube stored in my freezer. I did not go inside my gear, so I do not know how much you might need. I treated all my systems’ wall plugs, power conditioners, power strip... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Stray_cat,If you have not yet started using the TC I would start having fun with that, since in my experience it is the best value in tweaks that I have come across in my experience. It can be used on interconnects,  power chords and other places ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Stray_cat,In my main system it has made my digital front end more organic and dynamic top to bottom.Rc 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Frank,I agree, that with the new item, it took the the better part of a day for it really begin to do what it does in conjunction with the CD player. This is the kind of thing that makes this hobby fun.rc 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
The synergy between the TC and this “thing” is similar to the SQ gains obtained when I installed and broke in the the AU24 SX Audience interconnect, in my main system, about a year and a half ago. I am so glad that it was in place before I applied... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Frank, tommylion,This new deal is for real. I am am finding a huge expansion of the soundstage, and a much greater instrumental definition and tunefulness. I did not think this level of improvement was possible with my old CD player The best part ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Frank & Tommylion,Ditto. My experience with it as well. I do not want to do without it. Lots to like so far.rc