
Responses from resolution1

Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Frank or Tim,Installation matters aside, did you find that the E-cards had the same degree of effect that the Mat had?Since I will not be looking to replace my CD player now, I will be ordering additional product. I just need to  ThanksRC 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Just wanted give this report of a happy find. I had my speakers in my main system upgraded and after about a 800 hours of break in my system started to sound a bit grainy in the treble. I thought that my CD player was finally exposed for its age. ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Tim, happy belated birthday! That stereotimes review was spot on. I have been been busy keeping up with my family, business and listening to music, thus no posts. I have been keeping up with the forum and look forward to the new product developmen... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Lemonhaze,One last item, Tim has always been open and responsive to all my questions and concerns. He answers emails and calls.rc 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Lemonhaze, I treateted all my connections with total contact and as stated in most previous posts I concure with those positive reviews and descriptions.As as for the mat, I placed one on my old Opus 21 CD player and one on the back of my breaker ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I have been very busy as of late but I sat down last night for a listen and heard more musical content coming of the cds. Detail thoughout out the frequency spectrum have emerged that were nearly imperceptible before are now adding to the musical ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Correction on the word base. It should have read bass.rc 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Update, after almost on the breaker panel and about about a month and a half on my CD player here are my observations on my system.1. The additional base has become more integrated into the musical whole.2. Finer musical details across the frequen... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Frank, Tim,Back to audio. I am thinking of placing the new “Smaller” pads, when released, on my 2 power strips and 2 power conditioners on each system. My question is, do you think I should do them all at once or in any particular order? Thanks,rc 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Frank, FYI, my fridge IS maintaining a colder temperature. The fresh vegetables froze two weeks in a row. I did not put the Mat and freezing together initially but I thought I remembered an earlier post and you were right. I will raise the tempera... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Jafreeman,This has been some of the most fun I have had with all the tweaks I have tried and purchased. There seems to be a synergy with all existing equipment and tweaks in both of my systems with absolutely no negatives.Have fun,rc 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
It has been more than three weeks since I placed the mat on the rear of the breaker panel door and the only word that comes to mind is WOW 🤯 The music is just beautiful. Notes are more fully fleshed out. Details that we’re uncovered at the beginni... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
What does the application of TC and the mats do for my system? I do not know the technology behind it and I do not care. The products are applied and placed and I do not mess with it anymore. I used to listen to my system on the weekends mainly by... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Lak, I tried the second Mat on top of my Rega Dac-r in my office system. The improvement was minimal, but noticeable, after a week. After speaking with Tim about it, He suggested that I should place the Mat onto the breaker panel. That gave me fan... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Kedoades,I have, over the last two years, spent considerable resources on power supplies, interconnects, powerchords, power plugs and vibration control devices. In my system I have had surprisingly good results in doing so. In that time I have not...