
Responses from regalma1

Transport...My next Step
The real question is, will a new transport improve your sound. I would spend the money on a de-jitter device first (Monarchy Audio for example). You may find that after that all transports sound the same. You wouldn't be the first to find that out... 
Have Processors Improved Much in the last 5 Years?
If you want a stripped down processor at a reasonable price look at the NuForce. No amps, tuner or zone 2. The lack of zone kills it for me, but it may work for you. Being NuForce I assume it sounds good. 
Any Recievers with an HDMI audio connection?
I read on one manufacturer's website as why they chose not to even offer it the option of audio through HDMI. I can't remember which one, sorry. Also, if you read the Sound and Vision review of the new Toshiba HD-DVD they found that the quality of... 
Any Recievers with an HDMI audio connection?
So far everything I have read about audio through HDMI has been bad. It seems that we are better off if we use a separate connection. 
Help with PC Audio Quality vs. CD
Get a USB DAC and bypass the sound card. Or get a Squeeze Box. It should sound at least as good as any CD player with an equivalent quality DAC 
Convert Flac to Wav - how to & HD space need?
The thing about lossless compression is that is widely used for software. If you compress a software program and when it is decompressed if even one bit is off the program will probably not operate at all. So lossless has to be truly lossless. I c... 
Recommendations for 1000
Ebay is fine in my experience. But the bidding process is aggravating. You pretty much have to use a sniper unless it is something that doesn't have much interest. I bought a great pair of old Phase Tech PC series speakers for almost nothing that ... 
The first time I heard Theils was probably in the 80's. It was in a high end store. I had to cover my ears. The salesman was completely baffled by my reaction. What can I say? Reminds me of a lesson I learned many years ago about equipment. On imp... 
Pops, I only based that on the responses I have gotten when commenting on Theils in the past. I only know one person who actually owns them. He is mostly into rock, so go figure. I always got the impression that people were attracted to them for t... 
Has anybody had experience with the Orions?
Go to the forum on his website. You may find someone in your area willing to invite you over for a listen. A lot of people do that. I haven't heard them myself. I live close enough to him to make a day outof a trip to visit his office, but the pri... 
It seems an odd pairing. From what I can tell Thiel attracts a pretty limited crowd. I have posted my reactions to Thiels in the past and the fans appear to be mostly from the classiscal music fan base. Not that this is a bad thing at all. But som... 
Speaker upgrade suggestions
Go to There is a poster there with a pair and with a copy of the Sensible Sound review. Apparently the review is being misquoted. The reviewer never said they were the best, only that they go lower than any speaker he had in his r... 
Has iTunes, etc. impacted your listening habits?
Yes, in a big way, and a good way. My CD players are largely unused. In the house it all goes through my Squeezebox coded in FLAC. On the road it is all coded in MP3, mostly at 320 kbps. I can't wait for someone to produce a player with 200 GBs of... 
Any one have Tetras
So Kurt_tank are you suggesting that we forget all multi-thousand dollar cables, CD demagnetizers and brilliant pebbles - that the ultimate tweek is a good wine. Do you find that whites enhance the treble and reds the bass? I find that Sauvignon B... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Someone wrote an article a few weeks ago discussing what compulsive consumers we in the West are. Basically he said that in the West the philosophy is, "the best is not good enough". In contrast, in China apparently the feeling is more like, "the ...