
Responses from regalma1

Is iPod Digital Output Possible?
Check out this Stereophile announcement for details on how this is done. It looks like we will be seeing more of these products in the future. 
Is iPod Digital Output Possible? is the url. It is the iDA-X001. Personally I am not ready give up the ability to listen to CDs in the car. Though I don't take advantage of it too often. 
Is iPod Digital Output Possible?
That is not the unit I mentioned. That is a generation or two old. It is a new product that does not even have a CD player. It specifically states that it uses the Ipod digital outputs. I personally have their best current CD receiver which interf... 
Is iPod Digital Output Possible?
Alpine makes a head unit for cars that does not have a CD player. It claims to take the digital output from an Ipod. So it must be possible. Also, check out Red Wine Audio. They do upgrades on Ipods though not the latest ones. They upgrade the ana... 
HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?
Take a look at They dropped the price of their best processor to about $800. I suspect they are clearing it out for a new model. I did some research on this and the consensus from a few users was that it is a very good unit. Unlik... 
Need to warm things up a bit...
I'd try the MAC palladiums ICs instead. I bought a pair for pretty much the same reason and was very impressed with the difference. More musical, less harsh. Basically the cables are modifying the sound. In other words, they aren't neutral. I prov... 
Multiple Vulnerabilities In FLAC
Isn't the article about security, not fidelity. Who is going to bother trying to hack FLAC files? Hackers go after the big users like Microsoft programs and maybe Itunes. 
Anyone seen the Pixel Magic hdd unit?
It does support wav. My problem is that it does not support lossless compression. I prefer FLAC because of the metafiles. Also, 500 GB is just enough to hold my current CD collection if it was in WAV. If I have to connect to a computer I might as ... 
product you use for dusting equipment
Come on guys, there must be some incredibly expensive audiophile dust rag out there that claims to dramatically cleans up your sound at the same time as it cleans your equipment.Is this a niche for the accessory people to fill? How about a "Brilli... 
Computer to Reciever ?
An M-Audio Transit. It converts USB to TosLink for under $100. If I remember right it gets it power from the USB port. 
Anyone seen the Pixel Magic hdd unit?
I took a look at the owners manual. One major problem it does not support any lossless compression formats. That's a deal killer. Too bad, it is a good approach. 
Advice on Setting Up A Laptop-Based Audio System?
Puerto, the output of a DAC is analog, so it can be plugged into any analog input on your pre/pro. Another choice is to buy a USB to SPDIF convertor. The converter can have coax or Toslink digital output. You would then plug that into the appropri... 
Advice on Setting Up A Laptop-Based Audio System?
A SqueezeBox or Transporter if you are reasonably computer savvy. If you aren't then you might try a DAC with a USB input. DAC1 seems to be pretty popular. Connect the USB on your computer directly to the DAC. WinAmp seems to be pretty good player... 
Class A amp vs Class D amp
I would avoid the Rotel B&W combination for movies. One of the biggest lessons I learned in my last round of speaker buying was just how lifeless that combination is. When I say lifeless, I mean no soul, very detailed but couldn't get me invol... 
A butt-load spent in cables - how much improvemt?
Thg, what ss equipment have you found? I need a new preamp.