
Responses from recluse

Measuring impedance with multimeter
Thanks for the reply. A internet search indicates the measurement should be in the ballpark ( ie 15 to 20%off). Would different or more complex speaker designs give widely variable levels of accuracy?As I stated, the little elac debut reads exactl... 
Optimal high impedance speaker
Thank you Duke and Ralph for the replies and your extensive contribution of knowledge to the forum.Your comment (3years) is surprising as I am sure your speaker, unlike most others, beats the limitations of the room it's in.Thanks again :-) 
Optimal high impedance speaker
Hmmm, I know the Spatials are new but a search generates only 1 mention of the Zephrins in 2 years?  I agree, the Devores seem a little steep.I am not so interested in nice furniture with a veneer... If they sound great. Your speakers will disappe... 
Best Preamp New or Used up to $3,000 ??
+1 On the oppo 205 direct to cary. I listen to CD sacd DVD and blue ray concerts 99% time, classicalI have used both oppo and cary mk120.The volume control on the oppo can be lowered to 40 without significant bit stripping 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
I for one would be very interested in Duke from Audiokinesis discussing soundstage in a large * and small* room 
Speakers for First Watt SIT-1 amp
Re: the The Cube Audio NenupharI would love to order the drivers and take a crack at building the cabinets myself.Doesn't look to hard - right? 
Tube and SS pairs
By accident, I placed a "ifi Microitube 2 preamp" as a *buffer*, between the oppo 205 and my old SS class AB amp and was floored by the improvement. Been enjoying this set up for months without fatigue.The ss preamp that was designed for the amp w... 
Autoformer vs Speaker impedance Curve
I am enjoying the debate among experts, but am still not understanding how an autoformer works. The last question from the OP was a good one.  I Think including ss adds to the confusion and would prefer explanations stick to tube amplifiers where ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
I would like to add to this thread eventhough it has passed its prime and will likely fall proverbially unheard. It is true that these speakers(standard 4 ohm Tekton DI's with upgrade) will mate with many types of amps(see prior posts of SET and... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Another great review, from HR no less!Hmmm...Is it worth speculating that the impact monitor measurements are very close to the DI's? 
Subwoofer help, using two amps...
Thanks for the replies1. Tekton DI 4 ohm2. Running both doesn’t seem to be a problem- response from oppo:”There will be no risk to using the balanced and unbalanced cables at the same time, as the OPPO device has dedicated OP/AMPs for the outputs,... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Part of the problem matching amplifier to these speakers is lack of a provided impedance frequency curve from the manufacturer. As the owner has stated, it is not required but I find myself gravitating as a consumer towards manufacturers that are ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Just to add to me previous post, the review follow up from manthik is very similar with regard to my experience with the Ultralinear and DI's: 
Tekton Double Impacts(4 ohm version) with two distinct amps.
?Only one person(with one post) on the gon has Tekton DI's and a Primaluna amp?This would seem to contradict the pitch  
Tekton Double Impacts
I would like to add to Lancelock's impression that DI's that the pairing with the LTA ultralinear is a good one.The bass response is extraordinary for a 20 watt tube amp.Great transparency and detail.The only thing I haven't reconciled is the pric...