Responses from rauliruegas
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Griffithds: I don't know what happened. That is for you:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1200430667&openflup&10856&4#10856 Regards and enjoy the music,R. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Marakanetz: I can't say it for sure, IMHO what I can say is that is an interesting thread with great contributors in several audio areas/subjects.Regards and enjoy the music,R. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? s: Talking on the Decca you posted:+++++ " attention must be paid to set-up and grounding methods... " ++++++I would like that you can share a wider explanation about, especially on the " grounding methods ".I think is time to experience the Decca... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Harold-not-the-barrel: Sure I can try with the lowest VTF recomend that's 1.5 grs. I usually use a VTF in the near of the middle specs or a little higher with MC cartridges, especially with " new " cartridges to facilitate its breack-in. I di... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear friends: I was comparing the Talisman Alchemist IIIS against the Precept 440 ML, Signet 10MLMK2, Shindo Red Boron, Transfiguration Phoenix and AT ANV50.What I found out is that the Talisman performs different. What mean I with different?, wel... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Dgarretson: The Talisman Alchemist IIIS born in 1983 and the DTi you own in 1985-6. Yes, the DTi was the top of the Sumiko line but the DTi is a different design than the Alquemist I own. Prices too, the Alquemist was at around 495.00 that's ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Harold-not-the-barrel: Thank's for the link. My Talisman following in its quality performance improvement. I was not expecting additional improvements after those 30-40 hours but it's still in that " road ". Of course that my smile is going bigger... | |
progress? Dear Tonywinsc: Yes we have to take in count that all LPs comes with eccentric hole and warps , ideally is better to stay in the " safe " resonance frequency range: 8hz to 12 hz.I only want to show that a good tracker tracks under almost any condi... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Harold-not-thebarrel: Good to hear it's on the road and yes after the expert suspension tunning that MC6000 will sign better that ever!Regards and enjoy the music,R. | |
progress? Dear Tonywinsc: Well, the tonearm/cartridge resonance was that 5hz value that's way out of the " ideal " range: 8hz to 12 hz.I assume you have that review and is very interesting. The subject here for what Mapman posted ( he is right. ) is that al... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear friends/Lewm: As Lewm for years I was reluctant to listen/buy HOMC cartridges. First because Iwas immerse in the LOMC alternative and latter on the MM/MI one.I heard in the past the Ortofon X-5 and the Sumiko Blue Point ( I own both. ) and bo... | |
progress? Dear Mapman: Your posts are right as a theory, unfortunatelly in audio for some " unknow " reasons not always is acomplished.This is an example and I already experienced several other that gone against theory:In 1984 Audio magazyne made the review... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Harold-not-the-barrel: Yes but I think is a task for an expert as Axel or SS re-tippers.Regards and enjoy the music,R. | |
progress? Dear Boofer: +++++ " Except for the cannons, all mentioned TT's sound just fine, and if sound is what it's all about, well and good; but I think trackability should also be a concern, especially if today'sprices are considered.... " +++++IMHO perh... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear harold-no-the-barrel: I own the MC6000 and its performance is away from what you posted: " sibilance and distortion in hardest passages ".The top B&O cartridges are great trackers and that's not what your sample its showing, coulod be a s... |