
Responses from rauliruegas

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Lewm: +++++ " I don't trust those who regarded them highly " +++++I wonder other than you in who you trust. How is that you growed up on the high end? where and trhough which " road " do you learned?, because almost all of us did it through t... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Lewm: +++++ " The problem is that I don't trust those who regarded them highly. " +++++I wonder other than you in whom you trust because T.Cordesman was ( IMHO ) a real trusty reviewer that on those vintage times he and other reviewers were n... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Lespie: I have those magazines and when I bought my Alchemist IIIS I found out that very old Stereophile reviews.No doubt T.Cordesman knew what he was listening.Lespier, now we are waiting for your today DTi experiences. I have great expectat... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear pryso: Agree, I think is time you give a turnaround that Shinnon that as you posted is a fine gem.Please do it and if can share with us your experiences with.Regards and enjoy the music,R. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Stonedagaagain: Griffithds posted that the Decca needs very careful on its set up regarding the grounding connection. Do you know hwat could that means? and a second question: which Decca models I have to look for?: I would like to have the D... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Lewm: I think that VdH we can put on the MOMC side. Normally HOMC start at 2.0 mvI will test other HOMC I bought but that Talisman Alchemist IIIS is worth to hear it, maybe your " feelings " about could change when you experience this cartrid... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Tubed1: IMHO Dover has good memory because I own the original BP and BPS and heard the Blackbird ( that IMHO is a little better than the BP. ) and the Alchemist is way different and really better performer.What do you mean with Frankened on t... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Dover: I really like the Alchemist and as I posted its performance ( for me ) made I think to think on it as a thrid alternative: HOMC vintage cartridges. D garretson will share his today experiences with the DTi that's the top of the line.Re... 
Dear Lawrence_carpio: Agree with Pbnaudio: you don't need a SUT down there.Btw, That Denon top of the line is very good performer with very good tracking abilities.Regards and enjoy the music,R. 
1 tonearm 2 cartridges
Dear Theupis: There is an Audiocraft 4400 in the Agon ads that can works wonderful with both cartridges you own.Btw, the original Graham tonearm design came as a " copy " of that Audiocraft tonearm. The Graham over time develpment was around the A... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Griffithds: I don't know what happened. That is for you:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1200430667&openflup&10856&4#10856 Regards and enjoy the music,R. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Marakanetz: I can't say it for sure, IMHO what I can say is that is an interesting thread with great contributors in several audio areas/subjects.Regards and enjoy the music,R. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
s: Talking on the Decca you posted:+++++ " attention must be paid to set-up and grounding methods... " ++++++I would like that you can share a wider explanation about, especially on the " grounding methods ".I think is time to experience the Decca... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Harold-not-the-barrel: Sure I can try with the lowest VTF recomend that's 1.5 grs. I usually use a VTF in the near of the middle specs or a little higher with MC cartridges, especially with " new " cartridges to facilitate its breack-in. I di... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear friends: I was comparing the Talisman Alchemist IIIS against the Precept 440 ML, Signet 10MLMK2, Shindo Red Boron, Transfiguration Phoenix and AT ANV50.What I found out is that the Talisman performs different. What mean I with different?, wel...