Responses from rauliruegas
review iPhono 2 Dear @audiofun : I don’t said was not SS design but that the Ifi people are the " Carver " designers on that models. I said it’s a tricky design and any one can read what they explain about it’s trade mark: " Tube state ". Here is where appears th... | |
review iPhono 2 Dear @lewm : " I really do not like and have not liked "stuff" that was invented and sold solely to make the sound of a solid state device sound more "like tubes" """"well the Iphono is what has in its design: tubestate. That’s why I posted is a ... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Dear @downunder : No best tonearm for a TP4 cartridge. Still with out the EPA 100MK2 characteristics: 100% Boron build material and and dynamic damping choosed by the owner. All in all really good tonearm and maybe the cartridge could performs bet... | |
review iPhono 2 Dear @enginedr1960: Btw, the Jeweltone I'm talking is ( if I remember. ) the RIIID model. """ What I am about to say may offend many . It sounds like a great digital front end . """Well, at least does not offend me only makes that I will lo... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Dear @totem395 : Yes, there are options because Denon supplied additional arm board to owner that ask for.Regards and enjoy the MUSIC not Distortions,R. | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Btw, after the success of the DP-100 Denon designed the DP-X that in theory was even better uit but unfortunatelly never comes out to the market.@halcro , I think that not even the 801 is in the Denon league.R. | |
review iPhono 2 Dear @enginedr1960: Lucky you are,that extremely low output cartridge is really a Jewel/gem. I never can't put my hands on because was so expensive for me.Could be one of the 3 best cartridges ever made. Obviously that I said it through what other... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Dear @lewm : The 100M comes with its own tonearm that was designed in specific for the DP-100, so you can't mount it in the Final and I agree with halcro that those two cartridges that dover name it are not good enough ( I owned both and for good ... | |
Denon DP-60L vs Technics 1200 MK III Dear @yyman23: In specific that Denon model is better than the Technics and between other davantages is that its servo control is bi-directional. Denon and Technics are good examples of very good TT designs but this time I go for Denon.Regards an... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Dear @lewm : In those old times specs was everything for Japanese audiophiles. All the great and top DD turntables were designed and builded in the same time ( earlier 80’s. ) and were manufactured in specific for the Japanese market not for Europ... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Dear @d: IF your Pioneer is a stock P3a then outperforms a stock SP10MK3. One of the " wow " SP10MK3 specs is the ruble figure/S/N that is 92db DIN B where in the P3a is 95db DIN B.Could be nice to compare both units in refurbished status or even ... | |
What Step-up transformers are best value? Dear @glennewdick: You posted in this thread that " finished " in 2010 ! !Regrads and enjoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,R. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear @chakster : Good. The GST-801 is one of the true great tonearm ever made. Its design was " ligth's years " ahead everything in cluding several today tonearms.Very well damped, magnetic dynamic balanced design ( no ringing as almost all dynami... | |
If NOS pre or power tubes became unavailable altogether, what new tubes would you buy? Dear @tubegroover : """ your facts are not mine... """my only fact/target is: reproduce the nearest live MUSIC experience trhough my home audio system. I can understand that your is different and I can't disagree with because is a self human be... | |
If NOS pre or power tubes became unavailable altogether, what new tubes would you buy? Dear @jbhiller : You made an open question and I gave you an answer. This is what I posted in your thread : """ If NOS pre or power tubes became unavailable altogether, what new tubes would you buy? """my answer and firt post was: NONE, change to... |