Responses from rauliruegas
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Dear @lewm : Take in count that the P-3 is over 600K Yens so as you posted the 70LII is a true bargain at 1.6K dollars.R. | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Dear @jessica-severin : That QL-A95 makes that the 101 looks as a really mediocre TT ( as a fact it's but this for other time dialogue/discussion. . ).I have too the information of many others JVC/Victor TTs and from other manufacturers through my... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Dear @tlong1958 : https://www.vinylengine.com/library/yamaha/yp-d6.shtml R. | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Yes, always looking for something better, some make it buying new audio items other up-datingn/grading what we already own or a blend of both actions.Is part of human been nature, the need to growing up and audio/music is an opportunity to do it o... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? .@uberwaltz : I'm not fan of any TT. I go with the facts.As I said your choice. The importat issue is that you stay satisfied with your choices.R. | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Uber : """ rather more similar than one being " much" better. """it’s way better but as I posted is your choice not mine. Period.R. https://www.vinylengine.com/turntable_reviews.php?make=Yamaha&model=GT-750 | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Dear @lewm : You are totally wrong: the tonearm in the GT750 is the same along the GT 2000 and certainly there is no plastic down there: http://www.thevintageknob.org/yamaha-GT-2000.html and here: https://www.vinylengine.com/library/yamaha/gt... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Dear @uberwaltz : The JVC QLA/ is not your best option and disagree with halcro. I linked to you the Yamaha GT750 that use a JVC motor but way better motor than the QL one, that was done under Yamaha specifications certainly it’s not the same QL o... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? https://www.ebay.com/p/1773129269?iid=163239029506#ProductDetails https://www.vinylengine.com/library/yamaha/gt-750.shtml https://www.vinylengine.com/turntable_reviews.php?make=Yamaha&model=GT-750 R. | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? https://www.ebay.com/itm/MICRO-DD-8-Analog-player-AC100V-Free-Shipping-d802/254330925516?_trkparms=aid%3D1110001%26algo%3DSPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D40719%26meid%3Df1f069abec2648cd89a59009e022b613%26pid%3D100047%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D25432... | |
hi anbody have a wood record mat ? """ I actually found a 12" round wood disk that I experimented with and drilled a hole to make it usable as a mat.The highs are better and clearer. The base is tight. ""R. | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? https://www.ebay.com/itm/DENON-DP-67L-Analog-player-AC100V-Free-Shipping-d342/254322982564?_trkparms=aid%3D333200%26algo%3DCOMP.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D40719%26meid%3D6cc2c1a30225444a99f43fa21906ac12%26pid%3D100008%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D113900... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Dear @yogiboy : I think that in some ways all audio items are ( in good shape ) audio toys and from this point of view the 60L is an audio toy and very good Denon TT. https://www.vinylengine.com/library/denon/dp-60l.shtml and this toy weigth is 13... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? @uberwaltz : You are losting a rare opportunity to own the 60L that its specs are better than the DP-80 and with an additional very good advantage over it and this is that the 60L servo is bi-directional not even Technics units have. The TT is at ... | |
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000? Dear @uberwaltz : https://www.ebay.com/itm/DENON-DP-60L-Direct-Drive-TURNTABLE-WORKING/153428377243?_trkparms=aid%3D333200%26algo%3DCOMP.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D59957%26meid%3D96c1c6ffbcb8455088b1cd60d6bdb8bc%26pid%3D100008%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%... |