
Responses from raquel

Best Integrated amp for Wilson Audio Sasha
For build quality and sound quality, the best integrated I have seen in this thread is the darTZeel - it is absolutely best quality, and works extremely well with Wilsons. 
Good turntable needed, need recomendations.
The Wave Kinetics NVS table is a very serious attempt at the state of the art in direct-drive - it was designed by a group in the graduate Physics Department at Stanford. If I were in the market for a new table, I would make sure I heard it. It ha... 
CartridgeCompatability:Arm/Amp Most Important?
The 8 Hz. - 12 Hz. resonant frequency, regardless of the cartridge/arm combo, is usually not an issue with good modern tables due to their low rumble.Dan-ed is correct that it's the other interactions between cartridges and arms, much higher up in... 
small companies making today's best products
A couple of comments:1) The wisdom of buying big-name products.The history of high-end audio is mostly a story of well-known brands that are now dead, or, to the extent they still exist, are merely trademarks purchased out of liquidation proceedin... 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
Peter: Many thanks for your very helpful, expert instructions. 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
If a thin LP and thick LP were both cut at exactly the same angle, the thickness of the LP would affect the tracking angle, but it would be a nominal amount (a degree or so). In contrast, differences in angle resulting from adjustment of the cutti... 
Difference between mesh vs. solid plate 300B?
The meshplates are not standard Western Electric spec. 300B's - their plate voltage is down about 10%. They therefore can't be run in amps like the VAC Renaissance series that run 300B's near their maximum plate voltage. 
What is your favorite tv theme song/composition?
Streetbeater (Sanford and Son). I have it on CD and occasionally play it. 
Looking for a best TT without arm for under 10K.
I don't know what the pricing is, but the Wave Kinetics table is a very serious attempt at the state of the art in direct-drive. It was designed by a group in the graduate Physics Department at Stanford - if I were in the market for a new table, I... 
small companies making today's best products
Most brands in high-end two-channel audio are made by one to four-man outfits who often work out of their garages or basements after they get home from their day jobs. There are very few that sell $1 million in product a year. They may have a tech... 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
That PS Audio tutorial on setting VTA is somewhat helpful to the extent it provided an explanation of how records are cut:"The object is to match, as closely as possible, the same VTA as the original cutting head for the master was set. Typically,... 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
"Point being that if the LP is thicker then the rear of the arm must be raised for the same playback VTA as a thinner LP."That's your point - it was not mine. It's a myth that arm height should automatically be increased to ensure proper VTA with ... 
Dialing in my analog rig - Need help
The single biggest obstacle by far to analog performance is incompetent set-up - there are very few people who really know what they're doing. Where to start ... the above referenced link to cartridge set-up states: "One could spend a good portion... 
Ortofon/Dynavector ? cartridge characteristics
Dan_ed: I think you're right to "just listen" to tonearm / cartridge combos. Given the low rumble of most modern tables, the 8 Hz. - 12 Hz. resonant frequency issue is basically irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. What IS crucial are the other res... 
Ortofon/Dynavector ? cartridge characteristics
I would call Kevin Hayes at VAC and ask him which tap the 70/70 tends to sound best with - I can never remember, but I think it may be the 8 Ohm tap. I use the 8 Ohm tap because my speakers average between 6 to 10 Ohms. I've used the 4 Ohm taps fo...