
Responses from raquel

Pass X1??
Over the last fifteen years or so, high-end two-channel amps and preamps have generally not experienced ground-breaking improvements in circuit design and listening and build quality. On the contrary, the market for high-end two-channel gear since... 
They are respected line-level crossovers. Some models are available in tube and solid-state versions. 
B&W 801 vs 803s
Palermo100: You misunderstand me - by "boom" in the context of the 801, I mean thunderous dynamics, not what I suspect you refer to, which is one-note bass from a poorly designed ported speaker. The 801's are great in that regard, assuming they ar... 
B&W 801 vs 803s
Two issues with the 801 Nautilus: (i) they do in fact require a big room because of their prodigious bass and your room may be too small, and (ii) they require a ton of power, to the point of needing to be biamped with big solid-state, which means... 
Matching tube pre imdedance to SS amp?
As a general rule, you want to make sure that the input impedance of the amp is at least ten times the output impedance of the preamp. Almost all tube preamps (except those with output transformers, of which there are few) have high output impedan... 
beatle remasters on vinyl?
Bucenero is correct - the vinyl will be ProTooled digital. A no compression, no noise suppression and no digital anything reissue is the 1980 Mobile Fidelity box set remaster. Clean copies went for about $1k ten years ago - I don't know what they ... 
Lightning Strike
Add up your damage and make a judgment call about whether to file a claim - claims for lightning strikes can dramatically raise your premiums and it is often cheaper to pay out-of-pocket than to file a claim. 
How large is your music collection?
Nothing outrageous - roughly 700 CD's and 700 LP's. Back in 2000-2001, I used a dictaphone to record title, catalog number, and performer for each title I owned, and had a secretary type it up, the resulting typed list allowing easy reference to a... 
Rolling Stones "Sticky Fingers" Remasters
I would agree that the CD reissue from the 90's (Apogee "UV 22" remastering) was good. I am posting only to say to avoid the 180 g. LP reissue pressed by RTI from the late 90's, which was a sonic disaster (as were the contemporaneous RTI reissues ... 
Roland Updating Service Question
Audio Valve - he makes very good stuff. You'll enjoy the Rowland amps after running the Challengers - Model 6's layer space like a good tube amp. On chamber music, I really had a hard time distinguishing the Model 6's from my VAC Renaissance amps,... 
Roland Updating Service Question
I drove Revel Salons, Dynaudio 3.3's and Vienna Acoustic Mahlers with my Model 6's. I suggest that you ignore the advice in the manual about putting the amps in standby - while it is true that the input circuitry remains powered up in standby, the... 
Roland Updating Service Question
Given the build quality of that vintage of Rowland gear, I would not be in a hurry to replace the resistors. As for the transistors, the close pair matching Rowland achieves is one of the reasons they sound so good and I would be extremely relucta... 
Roland Updating Service Question
Given the high build quality of the Model 6/2 amps and fact that most were manufactured only ten years ago or so, it is quite unlikely that the caps on your amps need replacing - depending upon how many hours an amp has seen, caps can easily last ... 
Roland Updating Service Question
I owned Model 6's and I am not aware of any updates available for the amps, but perhaps there are? Rowland for a time offered, for the Models 8 and 9, conversion of the battery power supplies into switching power supplies. In addition, base Models... 
Dunlavy SC-I vs. SC-I/AV
Rcprince is correct - the A/V is just a shielded version of the same speaker.