
Responses from raquel

Tube amp on/off: best practice?
Generally speaking, unless a tube amp has a sentry circuit that automatically shuts down tubes in the event of tube failure (very few tube amps have such a circuit), it is not a great idea to leave a tube amp unattended, as the above posters are c... 
Best rock/jazz speaker under $10k used
Escalante Fremont for rock - they are very efficient (true 93 db.), very fast, and can handle enormous amounts of power. They are not the most accurate speaker, however, including being rolled off above 6 Khz., notwithstanding the ring revelator t... 
Tube amp, more low end
The above comment about the Snapper gives me a good example to explain my point about output transformers and power supplies.The Snapper puts out 100 watts per channel. The CAT JL-1 monoblock tube amps also put out 100 watts per channel. The Snapp... 
Tube amp, more low end
The ability of a tube amp to control woofers on low impedance (4 Ohm) speakers is mostly a function of the quality of its output transformers and size of its power supplies. Beefy power supplies are not at all cheap, and output transformers of the... 
Speaker Cables for VA Mahlers with Linn electronic
I just want to clarify what I was saying. The amp / speaker cable interface is indeed important (as I wrote, the most important factor in the view of some), as is the speaker cable / speaker interface. The key, however, and that is why I mentioned... 
Speaker Cables for VA Mahlers with Linn electronic
I owned Mahlers for about five years. Sumiko, the U.S. distributor, evidently ran Kimber Monacle at some shows (I think it was Sumiko that told me this, but I can't recall). I ran Kimber Select 3033 (copper) and 3038 (silver), but mostly 3033. Tha... 
Wilson audio Maxx best amp match???
It is my understanding that some of the very best synergy available with Wilson speakers is with the CAT amps - one of my dealers in Manhattan said that the best system the store ever put together was based around the CAT monoblocks and big Wilson... 
YG Acoustics or Dynaudio
Living in Europe, you should consider Naim speakers, some of which are specifically designed for wall placement. 
Speaker power handling
The three previous posters are correct. I would add only that if you hear a loud banging/clanking sound on big bass passages at high volume, the voice coil is banging against the magnet, you are going too far, and need to back off immediately. 
YG Acoustics or Dynaudio
I have no experience with the YG's. Regarding the C1's, one of my dealers has sold them for years and I know someone who gave them a very careful audition up against the Dynaudio Special 25. Both sources report that the C1's are superb monitors. T... 
Audio Research Preamp Experts?
The LS-5's are extremely high-value preamps, particularly if your system is balanced.The LS-3 is one of the great "cheap" preamps available used, especially, as the above poster notes, if it is used through its direct input. Me and my dealer prefe... 
Anyone compared BAT Rex vs. Atmasphere MP-1?
"will indeed t ... urn everything off." Sorry about that.Messrs. Karsten and Komenkho: Great stuff - thank you. I look forward to the debate about cathode wear and small-signal tubes the next time you sit on a panel together! 
Anyone compared BAT Rex vs. Atmasphere MP-1?
Again with apologies to those who are bothered by this tangent, I think we are actually saying much the same thing, Mr. Khomenko. I have or had mentioned in this thread and/or others that:(i) operating voltage helps determine tube life, i.e., the ... 
Summertime ss amp Question
Dennis the Menace! A Tripath digital amp like this is going to sound very different than a zero-feedback triode amplifier. I hope it is to your liking. 
Anyone compared BAT Rex vs. Atmasphere MP-1?
Mr. Khomenko:Thanks for the input on the issue of tube life and 24/7 operation. My experience is that, while most people are aware of a debate regarding 24/7 operation and solid-state gear, few people who own or sell tube gear are aware that some ...