
Responses from randyhat

Recommend a SS amp for my new Vandersteen Quatro CT
"get the best preamp you can afford"Interesting suggestion.  I certainly agree that the preamp can impact the sound as much if not more than the power amp...and ideally each should compliment the other.  My LS-15 was modified a few years ago by Gr... 
Wilson Audio Haters
Bo, it's not like you invented fire.  Those of us who are old enough to have been around high end audio for 40+ years have been aware of 3 dimensionality in the sound stage for ages.  You just now discovered it.  Good for you.  But it is pretty de... 
Wilson Audio Haters
Bo...I repeat from a previous post, is an audio zealot.  He has found his flavor of audio truth and simply cannot accept that others have taken a different pathway to their audio truth.  As Plutos mentioned in his post, "there is some truth to Bo'... 
Recommend a SS amp for my new Vandersteen Quatro CT
I will send the 100.2 to ARC for a checkup.  I figure whether I use the amp or end up selling it I would like to have ARC giving it a good bill of health.  As much as I like that amp I will be surprised if wins out against the 4bsst2.  I know ther... 
Recommend a SS amp for my new Vandersteen Quatro CT
Dallas dealer "audio concepts" will do the set up  
Recommend a SS amp for my new Vandersteen Quatro CT
Of course you are absolutely right about the preamp.  I have an ARC LS-15.  Along with the 100.2 it is a little long in the tooth but still a good performer. 
Looking for a Speaker Recommnedation
"I think you’re dooing a mistake here Instead making a list of short options and start to eliminate some choices ,you are expanding it more and more"I agree...but it happens frequently here.  Someone can post a list of 1000 speakers they are cons... 
Proac Response D 48/Tannoy Kensington
Sorry my post comparing the Quatro to the D48 was not relevant to you itzhak.  I was hoping it might be relevant to the poster who had heard the D48 and was planning to listen to the Quatro.  It just so happened that I had compared two of the spea... 
Proac Response D 48/Tannoy Kensington
The cables are attached at either end of the filter so you don't have to supply additional cables.  The filters are matched to the impedance of your power amp via some dip switches in the filter housing.  What equipment will you be using with your... 
Proac Response D 48/Tannoy Kensington
I recently listened to the Proac D48 and the Vandersteen Quatro in the same room with the same electronics (Audio Research Ref 150 amp and Ref preamp with ARC CD) The Quatro's were setup first.  My impressions:  A very balanced and cohesive sound.... 
Wilson Audio Haters
"People over here don’t know me".....You are correct. All we know about you is what we can glean from your posts. You come across as pompous and arrogant. You remind me of so many religious types I have met in my life. They/you have found religiou... 
Proac Response D40R or D48R
cmach, is the D-48R a significant step up from the D-30R?  I am considering the D-30R. 
The $3,600 gamble
"I've not been able to find any videos with the Mk ii's so that makes it even more of a gamble for me."How would an Internet video be helpful in auditioning loudspeakers?  To me they look the same whether in a video or a still photograph and they ... 
Speakers in the 5-6K$ region & their components
Fritz speakers comes to mind.  Most of his models have higher end drivers.  Although mostly known for his stand mount models I think he does offer floor standing versions of many of his speakers.  Although I have never personally listened to any o... 
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade
Dallas....and I will listening to the "R" version.  I had a pair of Proac Response 1sc for an extended loan about 15 years ago.  I loved the sound of those little stand mounts. I have been interested in auditioning the larger Proacs ever since.  I...