
Responses from randy-11

Question on hearing
What we need is a book by a cognitive psychologist on audiophiles & hearing 
Looking for a one box solution
wait for the Oppo 205 
Digital Disorientation
I don't know of a book, but post what you are trying to doput CDs on a computer?  and play them?Dirt simple on a Mac - just use iTunes and set it to Apple Lossless as one possibility. 
Why are low impedance speakers harder to drive than high impedance speakers
It's about the amp.  Amps like to put out at 8 ohms.  The mechanical analogy isn't a good one.  Instead, think about your past gf's. 
Speaker choice advise requested...
try out some Vandies 
Question on hearing
Besides declines in hearing ability with age, your mind also has a large store of memories now that it didn't have when you were young, and that likely affects emotional response to music, not to mention the hormone issue. 
Speaker choice advise requested...
If you like Maggies then you are unlikely to duplicate their performance with other types.adding a DWM bass panel may be the thing you need...Why not call them up?  Be prepared to describe the listening room dimensions. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
The problem is that gullible consumers are being taken advantage of by fraudsters.OTOH, if you have electrostatics, then you really can use over-priced speaker cables as very expensive tone controls. 
Why do Harbeth speakers have such a cult following
I hope some of you can upgrade to Coquille St. Jacques   
Should I consider the newer Audio Research pre & power amps, when I play records not CD's
Get an ARC pre-amp and a good SS amp (maybe the widely hailed Benchmark?).I just bought a used ARC LS25 MkII and use it with a 20+ year old Sunfire amp on maggies. 
Why do Harbeth speakers have such a cult following
If you were forced to eat bangers and mash, you'd like Harbeths too 
Integrated Amp Suggestions for Dynaudio Contour 3.4LE
"Tubes have a slightly different sonic character than transistors. Tubes tend to provide a slightly richer harmonic picture of instruments in the midrange with a slight sacrifice in definition and control at the frequency extremes. Twenty years ag... 
Just wondering...
how long will a $32k DAC be top notch in sound quality?  Assuming it really is sig'ly better than say a $4k DAC, in a few years $4k or less will buy better SQ- this even happens in the slower moving worlds of speakers and pre-amps - Look at the hi... 
Alternative of the pre/power amps
maybe list what is available in that price range there and people can comment 
Good Receivers for Infinity Kappa 7.1 speakers
HK990 or similar