
Responses from randy-11

Newish product
BTW, linear power supplies are another place to put $$ 
Newish product
anything really (as long as it is not made out of Chinese drywall) - put your $$ into a reclocker as per above and look at or test the offerings from Uptone Audio (no affiliation)Anker makes a good USB cable as do othersall you need is to get the ... 
Building a stereo room and ran into some problems, help!
staggered 2x4 walls, not 2x6use this too: https://www.acousticalsurfaces.com/soundbreak/soundbreak.htmcarpeted walls might be too dead - QRD diffusors are good if not too uglybuy & read: Master Handbook of Acoustics before going any furtherals... 
New Magnepan MMGi
no, but the move to x.7 was a big one and I've heard & compared the 1.7 and 3.7iMaggie will tell you that an i is not considered a full numerical upgradea dealer should let you listen, and borrow maybe 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
who was the first to show experimentally that volume was so important?was it some dude with a big lab at Harmon? 
Computer, CD transport or Network Player?
optical or WiFi also eliminates the problems- why not do some listening tests vs. an existing computer using the return privilege you get at several online places, or ask a local dealer? 
HiFi room acoustic treatment
well, not sure if anyone here is fluent in Croatian, or if you can buy that book - why not start checking libraries to see if it has been translated, or if something similar is published in Croatianhere are some helpful sites:only for a rectangula... 
16 bit is good enough.....
at some point the SQ of the DAC is limited by the mastering on the CD... 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
try to read more slowly and don't skip the last 2 words in my post abovemaybe ask for help with the longer word 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
OP - follow dlcockrum's advice except for one thing...you can still tweak to your heart's content - all you need is knowledge of acoustics, a measurement microphone, a software sound analysis program, and a contractor to modify your room or build ... 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
A leading authority on high end usually means some guy with a large number of publications in reviewed journals, and a nice big budget for his research lab.OTOH, placebophiles are often misled on what an authority is. 
16 bit is good enough.....
yes on the improvements in DACsbut I have to wonder if 16 is really enough - like I said I just wonder, not claiming it isI am quite sure that 24 bits is plenty tho... 
Tube Amp Pricing
I doubt it is where it should be(!)Benchmark is an xlnt amp for $3k - I'd like to see the reliable listening tests of amps that can 'beat' it.At some level one might select resistors carefully (maybe after caps, active devices, transformers, circu... 
HiFi room acoustic treatment
1. you are on the right track2. yes, you could - but why?if a diffusor it needs some depth; if an absorber, it also needs some depth- the Master handbook of Acoustics is an xlnt English language tome or bible on what to dowhat is your native langu... 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
use the most expensive, fattest, grooviest looking power cord you can find - run it all the way back to your elec. co.s sub-station toothen pile Shakti Stones on top of it and sit back for the awesome!!