
Responses from randy-11

Dick's / Dave's picks
Warner owns Bear's ChoiceI'm surprised if Dave L. is running out of shows to release.  They have tons of tapes (literally) and he just needs to reprocess shows that are traded, or formerly released on the Dick's Picks series if done sig'ly better. 
Jazz for aficionados
While I applaud the attempt to post about music on a gearhead site, I am curious as to which jazz CDs may have been remastered and re-released to give the best sound quality.Let's start with Trane...any info? 
Step Up from a Sunfire
I sort of figured the above but want to be sure the caps aren't going bad.  And I have to move everything out of my house's main floor anyway due to destruction of the hardwood flooring by a leaking heat pump (!!) I'll see what he says. 
Bad news for audiophiles?
from the title 
Bad news for audiophiles?
The really bad news for audiophiles is the disreputable pseudo-techno-babble spouted by people who don't know the first thing about electronics or bio-acoustics, many of whom use that to bill their customers of thousands of dollars.If you disagree... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
"equipment stands will have direct impact on electronics then perhaps electronics will be destroyed"not a bad summary of some of the tweeker craziness in high end audioBUT...  old-timey capacitors (the kind with metal fins) ARE known to change cap... 
Help, my system sounds lifeless!
"Wave superposition and cancellation" applies to ALL frequencies - not sure why you read suppression into that It may be that is not his problem BUT it is very easy and inexpensive to check - he can simply hang some rugs in various places in the r... 
HIGH Quality Electric Service Panel
best thing would be to isolate your entire system from the power station and run it on solar DC only 
Step Up from a Sunfire
Thx, I sent him an Email.not sure what "Sunfire house sound" is... 
Help, my system sounds lifeless!
re:  Why would anyone suggest curtains and wall hangings to help deal with "lifeless" sound? Those deaden the room, don't they?Hark back to you sophomore year physics course - the part about wave superposition and cancellation and you'll see the a... 
What do audiophiles want from a cable?
What most audiophiles want from a cable is confirmation bias. 
Questioning the need for a DAC
https://www.oppodigital.com/sonica-dac/they are saying better SQ than the 103/105 players, and they are highly regarded, so.... 
Help, my system sounds lifeless!
These are new & different items/brands items, purchased when you moved away from the UK?What did you have in the UK and was it at all lifeless?Besides component choice (and the possibility that your listening enjoyment was shattered by falling... 
I need advice.
electrolytic capacitors are notorious for failure - they are made with a paste that is mildly corrosive - at some point manfs. started putting buffering agents in them - not sure when but it was AFTER the mid-1980sBesides that, they must be condit... 
HIGH Quality Electric Service Panel
whatever brand you get, be sure the bus bars are solid gold - do not get faked out on the thin gold plated ones