Responses from randalleron
Jadis 6550? (for CJ Prem. 12) trelja--i'm running pretty efficient speakers, jm labs' mezzo utopias. cj actually offers a el34-based premier 12, the 12xs. they have roughly half the power of the 6550-based models. unfortunately, i cannot use my 12's with el34's without sending... | |
Jadis 6550? (for CJ Prem. 12) i'm willing to bet you're right(aphile); it would not surprise me at all to learn that the jadis 6550's are not chinese. this is part of a little game that i play with some of my local audio dealers (and dealers of other luxury items, for that mat... | |
Jadis 6550? (for CJ Prem. 12) trelja--according to one of the dealers here, the jadis tubes are chinese made. you're right, i've got a bit more investigating to do. i have not yet heard them and the local hk dealers are not too familiar with the "let me borrow a broken in set ... | |
Tubed pre-amp for solid state amp? i used to have a carver tfm35 that i used with a cal icon mk ii. i added cj's pv10al. it warmed the sound right up. and provided me with more detail and a better all around sound. i later used the pv10 with cj's mv55 when i decided to leave solid ... | |
Audio Physic Virgo or not i'm a big fan of the virgos. at that price i think they're keepers. the jm labs electra 915's might be worth a listen, but the virgos have style all over the boring 915s. i've heard good things about the silverline sonatas (i think those are the o... | |
Who R U? great post. as a somewhat frequent visitor/poster, i'm interested to learn a bit more about the folks whose advice i (sometimes) follow. i'm a 30 year old lawyer (i know, i know, but at least i'm being honest). i was born and raised in michigan, s... | |
Wadia? Should You Go Direct In Or Preout tbone--i run my 850 directly into cj's prem. 12's. i'm much happier than when i had a pre-amp in the mix. pet--shoot me an e-mail with your fax number and i'll send you the open/close switch chart that wadia faxed me. | |
<2K amp for Shearwaters jay--i spent a lot of time listening to both the shearwaters and herons powered by tubes in your price range. i was most impressed by cj's mv55 and the (comprable?) vtl offering (i think it was the st85). i ended up going with the cj. although i f... | |
Do Silver Cables Hurt Bass? like hdm, i too recently upgraded to silver interconnects. there was no bass compramise at all. on the contrary, i think my new cables do a better job of controlling and extending the bass than my old (network) cables. | |
sound from Pre Amp i had a cj pre-amp that did the same thing when i tapped on it. i was told it was "tube microphonics" and nothing to worry about. just to be sure, call your dealer or sonic frontiers anyway. | |
Are You Addicted to Audio? if you do end up checking out the hales (t-5 or t/8) and/or the dunlevy's, you should really also check out jm lab's mezzo utopias. they've warmth and richness coupled with articulate detial and great imaging. good luck. | |
PRE/AMP Combo or Integrated? if you would consider tubes, and 45 wpc is enough, try cj's mv55 & pv10a combo (on this site, i've seen the amp trading for between $1000-1200 and the pre-amp for between $500-700). i prefered the sound of these separates to the sound of cj's ... | |
Preamp Necessary? another exapmle (and just a bit north of $2000) is wadia's 830. it should be coming down a bit as the introduction of the 831 is just around the corner. there is a good selection out there. as daddyo suggested, take a look at that other posting. i... | |
Where to buy lead shot i contacted target with questions regarding their heavy metal. it's 35 pounds (about $56) for 20 kilos (sorry i can't run that conversion). their rep. maureen rose is available at 44 1582 401244. she'll be able to direct you to the dealer nearest ... | |
Whats a good cable for tube gear i'm currently using kimber's kcag interconnections between my wadia and cj amps. previously, i used them between my cj pre amp and amps. i'm really happy with the silver cables. i have also used transparent's super and ultra interconnects(and was ... |