Responses from randalleron
New Speakers they're probably not small enough, but i compared the jm labs mezzo utopias to wilsons watt/puppy 6, eggy's rosas, audio physics virgos and revel salons and ended up with the mezzos. good luck. | |
system matching help to follow-up a point sean made, my first audio purchase was a pair of klipsch's kg4 speakers in 1987 (i grew up in a k-horn household). to date, those could be my best purchase. great, versitile, fun, engaging speakers. within the last 5 or so yea... | |
24bit/96khz a fraud one of the magazines had a pretty good write up of the 24/96 standard within the last 6-8 months. it may have been stereophile, i don't recall (too much undergrad fun has wreaked havoc on the 'ole short/medium term memory). if i find the article i... | |
More power "better" i don't own proac and i do use tube amps. i have a pair of very effiecent speakers (jm labs mezzo utopias) that can run on anything from 50-200 watts. when i first bought them, i ran them through a 45-50 watt tube amp (cj's mv55). they sounded gre... | |
Please help a new tube user! i agree with trelja. pull, box and carry the tubes into your local hifi shop and have them tested. if they're okay, put 'em back in and have a listen. while you're getting familiar with your new amp (and recovering from the purchase), do your outp... | |
Vibration/Resonance i expect the effect of any resonance resulting from your set up would probably be imperceptable. that said, i would still err on the side of caution (or, would that be retentitiveness?) and not set the integrated atop the d/a converter. if you've ... | |
C J 11a VS 12s does the 12s sound better personally, i think sweet lifelike mids from both the 11a and the ultraliner 12's are about the same. the biggest differences in my system are that the 12's control the bottom end better and the the music is just a bit more detailed. i don't reall... | |
system matching help as a cj owner and lover, i'm a huge fan of the 11a and think that it is capable of delivering the current you would require to drive some of the speakers you mentioned (even the limited power 11xs drives ml's sl3's). that said, i agree that you sh... | |
Best new amp under $2k? right at $2k is conrad johnson's mv55. while it's at the top end of your specified range, it's a wonderfully musical amp, 45 wpc (in ultralinear)powered by a pair of el34's on each side. it's been a sereophile class b reccommened component for yea... | |
"Burn in" Are you serious? the next time you buy equipment (particurlarly an amp) from a dealer (which may be a while given the deals floating around here), open up the box, take out your new gear, plug it in and compare it right then and there to the dealer's demo. sometim... | |
Internal Amp Wire: Can it be improved? whether you replace the wires or not, here's a cheap tweek. if the wires are currently bundled together to keep everything inside nice and neat, cut the ties and separate the wires abit (put some are between them as best you can given the space co... | |
Granite instead of an amp stand? okay, given the lack of shun mook-ers on this site, this takes some courage, but here it goes: i experimented with brightstar big rocks, corian (sorry, misspelled) and marble. the marble may have been the best in terms of tightening the image. the... | |
WATTS/PUPPYS HELP depends upon the rest of your system. but, wilson seems to like & pair well with higher end transparent cables. i'm not sure how they perform with other networked cables. | |
Which Wadia a better buy in value terms? stereohile has an article describing the wadia situation. it seems the planned reorganization (read: managmement buy-out and relocation to ann arbor, mi as previously reported) did not transpire. instead, wadia's controlling investor has purchased... | |
Which Wadia a better buy in value terms? hgeifman--i was under the impression that wadia is not "out of business". but, instead is undergoing a re-organization. furthermore, i was told the new entity, to be managed by a number of former wadia-types, will honor outstanding wadia warrantie... |