

Responses from ramtubes

Running Benchmark AHB2 in bridged mode and 4 Ohm Speaker
And of course all topologies of amps behave identically when bridged, and no amps are ever specifically designed to be bridged. Is this sarcasm or what you believe? Can we at least get a little more real, we might just figure out something. 
Running Benchmark AHB2 in bridged mode and 4 Ohm Speaker
According to Benchmark the amp in bridged mono the maximum unclipped output voltage is 45.5 Vrms (64.4V peak) into a 4 Ohm load. I would expect it to be higher. If the rails are 60 volts then the peak volts should approach 120, say 100 Volts ... 
Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K
I have no problem driving them with this amp, and 10:00 on the volume is getting pretty loud. And they sound fantastic. Lets remember that the setting of a volume control's position has not bearing on how loud it is or how much louder it can ge... 
Running Benchmark AHB2 in bridged mode and 4 Ohm Speaker
@geek101  Now I just have to decide if I need to buy two amps or just live with one. Does bridging bump up the 18A per channel limit or keep it the same. Non bridged amp can send 18A per channel so I am guessing bridged version can put more than ... 
How good is the McIntosh MC-2300 vs modern SS amplifiers?
So what your saying is an amp that can drive the Wilson Alexia’s known impedance of down to 0.9ohm is a bad amp????? No you’ve got that arse about face, the speaker is the problem being too hard to drive and the amp that can do it is a great amp... 
How good is the McIntosh MC-2300 vs modern SS amplifiers?
How about an OTL that can drive a wide variety of speakers properly? No such thing, unless you stick an autoformer band-aid on it for the hard to drive ones. Then you ruined the whole advantage of the OTL design and what it can do. Your better o... 
How good is the McIntosh MC-2300 vs modern SS amplifiers?
Can we agree that good amplifiers drive a large number of speakers very well and changing to another "good" amplifier will drive the chosen speaker just as well? These amplifiers have certain common characteristics that make them sound very simila... 
How good is the McIntosh MC-2300 vs modern SS amplifiers?
I built many solid state amps in my youth, not knowing of the AutoTransformer Macs. But then I was just a child. I did however get a firm understanding of how transistors fail and the circuits necessary for them to be protected against shorts and ... 
Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K
I see others here have recommended you get efficient speakers. They are correct. 48 watts of single ended power is not the same as 48 watts of push pull power, tube or SS. I read the specs, looked at the manual and no where is the damping factor s... 
How good is the McIntosh MC-2300 vs modern SS amplifiers?
I was hoping someone would compare the fine engineering of this amplifier compared to what Phase Linear, Crown, Quatre and otheres were doing at the time. Auto transformers made this design extremely relaible. Ive never been a Mac Man but I have t... 
How good is the McIntosh MC-2300 vs modern SS amplifiers?
HI George,I have not listened to one but I like the circuit, especially for its day when Phase Linear and Crown were the alternatives. I just appreciate a good design for the parts that were available at the time. Transistors have come a long way ... 
Zero autoformers -- how to measure impedance?
Yes it does, but the number is so small I wouldn't worry about it. 22.6 mv into 8 ohms is 0.000064 watts! This is an old thread but needs some correcting. The user who has -22 mV of offset on his amp needs a little clarification.First, offset c... 
Autoformers, The Benefits in matching amp to speaker
Since we are developing a class D maybe I can chip in.The filter is there to reduce the amplitude of the switching component; IOW the switching frequency of the amplifier which is present at the output of the amp. The switching frequency is neve... 
Autoformers, The Benefits in matching amp to speaker
I found this interesting in the Levinson #53 review.  Michael Fremer notes: The transistors switching the positive and negative voltage rails to the load in Levinson's "class-I" topology are each connected to the load via a large air-cored inducto... 
Autoformers, The Benefits in matching amp to speaker
I was not previously aware of this ampifier or what they were up to.  It appears from the Stereophile measurements that NAD is compensating for the interacion of the switching amps output filter by modifying its drive signal while still in the dig...