

Responses from r042wal

My recommended QoBuz playlist is Hi-Fi Audio Partners
@hgeifman I am new to Qobuz.  It only became available in Canada earlier this year.  The sound in amazing.  The library is incredible.  The recommended playlist from Qobuz sucks.  What am I doing wrong? I just discovered last week I can I can pu... 
I have perfected my network for the nth time
@larry5729  "I would be curious if you would hear a difference if blind tested.  If I had a $1 million system maybe it would be worth looking into. " Ditto! I have been in IT since the early 1990's.  I just can't jump on board here although I a... 
How Much Do Aesthetics Factor Into Your Decisions?
The latest MoFi SourcePoint 10 speaker has the top veneer installed cockeyed, 90 deg. to the horizontal veneer up the side. I have never heard the speaker and would never buy it because of that. Call me anal but esthetics does factor in a bit and ... 
Mcintosh 2301 tube amplifier, how much power used from the wall?
We are doomed!  Beware of AI  
Mcintosh 2301 tube amplifier, how much power used from the wall?
I sniped this from ChatGPT: The amplifier's power consumption varies depending on its operating conditions. Under typical usage, with normal audio signals and average volume levels, the MC2301 consumes around 800 watts of power per channel. Since... 
Sharing SACDs
+++ @winoguy17  🤣  
Sharing SACDs
Actually @ghdprentice, it was a question not a comment and it was a question concerning loss, not ethics.  The reason I ask is because the record industry, software developers and the media have a tendency of conflating the problem. You have no a... 
Sharing SACDs
This turned out to be quite an interesting thread.  Thanks for all the opinions.  
Sharing SACDs
Same here @roxy54 .  I rip all my CD and SACDs to my Aurender then put them in a box for storage.  My wife will discover them after I leave this world and sell them for $5 at a garage sale 🤣  
Sharing SACDs
I am not condoning the practice myself either @ghdprentice , but if the person who made the copy for himself had no intention of ever purchasing the music, how does this become a loss to the artist? It's much the same as the statistics that used ... 
Sharing SACDs
ok thanks  
Aurender N10 connection with the network
Plug a laptop into the same CAT5 cable that goes into the Aurender.  See if you have Internet.  It could be the cable or bad port on the switch.  
Advice on how to liquidate system
I have about $50k invested in HAM radio equipment and my HAM shack is state of the art.  I could talk almost anywhere in the world. I got diagnosed with tongue cancer two years ago and they had to remove part of my tongue then graft on some muscl... 
Internet Noise: A Pest in the Machine
Try turning off the wireless 2.4 and 5GHz if it is enabled in your router.  If that solves the interference, you could manually select different wireless channels in the wireless settings of your router and see if that helps. TP-Link is pretty ch... 
Plug Amp directly to Mains or use a Power Conditioner?
Taken from the '10 Biggest Lies In Audio' Just about all that needs to be said on this subject has been said by Bryston in their owner's manuals: "All Bryston amplifiers contain high-quality, dedicated circuitry in the power supplies to reject RF...