
Discussions ptmconsulting has started

HOMC vs LOMC - same model35025
Dynavector XX020011
Periphery Record Rings1301620
Subsonic Rumble Solutions67348114
System Pictures & a kind of "dating service"266215
Anti-cables vs CC892591395319
Home Theatre in-ceiling speakers?34505
My Moerch DP-6 just arrived37052
Michell Technoarm vs Origin Live Silver vs ???1228712
HE 2005 Show Reports Thread94999
What to do with 1 small Bybee33072
Modding the Toshiba SD4960 DVD/DVD-A/CD/SACD playe30372
Some pics and comments from HE200462681
JC-1 - is there a stereo version?31093
Mapleshade Silclear11046752