
Responses from psychicanimal

music, colors and psychic abilities
Think it's a cousin of L. Ron Hubbard... 
music, colors and psychic abilities
Listen to the Psychic...Ever heard of Timothy Leary?Miss Cleo? 
WANT tukans to do the disapearing thing???
Try room treatments from ( 
Seeking advice re: complex power conditioning
Fuel Cells, then? 
78's through the system
I attempted changing the tonearm wires and ended up buying a new's a very tricky procedure and the service manual is of no help. I took pictures, however, and plan to publish them in an internet audio e-zine. Do you find improvement w... 
Seeking feedback on Swan, Paradigm and Triangle
I just talked on the phone this afternoon with Steve Deckert ( I want to drive down to Peoria and listen to his Wicked One subwoofer with my Swans:'s a new Yugoslav audio e-zine which went on lin... 
78's through the system
Zaikesman, I own a 1200 too. You can send it to Kevin Barrett of KAB Electroacoustics and have it modified for 78 RPM playback. His website is ( ).The 1200 has dial-in VTA, so you just write down each cartridge's value, release the ... 
Seeking feedback on Swan, Paradigm and Triangle
I performed the forced break-in procedure outlined in the manual: to put the speakers in front of each other and hook them out of phase ( in mono, if possible ). Well, no mono--but the Prodigy cut I picked is giving them little woofers one hell of... 
Turntable suggestions?
SOTA = bad ass belt drive. Take it from a DD owner. Period. 
Room acoustics needs help. 
Speakers for small listening room
Try the Radial speakers by Steve Deckert:www.decware.comIf you like satellites, I just bought a pair of Swans M-1 for $499 a pair and am totally amazed at the sound. Get a high current integrated or power amp like a Van Alstine and you'll be a hap... 
Pros and cons of belt drive Versus direct drive
Good explanation, Celtic. It's all about proper design. I was told by Bill Parish (GTT Audio) that his TT for demoing equipment (I don't think he sells TTs) is a rim drive made in Switzerland. Told me it's so precised and rugged that it was used t... 
Rap music on high-end speakers
Kevziek, I've got the medicine for you: Wednesdays 6:30 PM @ the Buzz (308 W. Erie St.)Go with an open heart and have fun. Only $5.00 cover. 
Rap music on high-end speakers
Nahhh, I'm from a barrio, unsophisticated...only sing in the shower and inside my car...but got a scholarship to an Ivy League university and took a class in musicology (Sound, sense and idea). I was taught in that class what you cannot comprehend... 
Need help with analog system choices
"It seems that the way to go is belt drive over direct drive."For $650-700 for a modded 1200 you'll get your best performance/price ratio. User friendly, easy to set up, stays tight. Neutral sounding platform...But, what do I know? I must be loco ...