
Responses from psychicanimal

What's the best 5 channel for less then 1K?
Try the B&K amp modules Old Colony Sound Lab sells for $139.99 each. Get a cabinet from SESCOM, an on/off switch and an Absolute Power Cord and you're set. 
Can POWER CORDS really make that big a difference?
Soldering. Very careful soldering is the key. That's why I like this cheapo Absolute Power Cord. Electrically soldered and then injection molded in place. Plain and simple... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Well guys, it's almost midnight and my South American 'amiga' is lying on the couch in the living room with the lights out just listening to a Simon and Garfunkel CD I left playing on my Swans speakers at a low volume level....she's been listening... 
Totally Confused about home theater
Guys, I'll wait for the custom stands for the Swans to arrive sometime next week and I'll take it from there...Steve Deckert (an imaging freak himself) told me over the phone that I could use a 'reasonable sized' TV and still have decent imaging. ... 
Absolute Power Cords? Any opinions?
For Buckingham: I have not kept the cables from speaking for themselves--it was their copywriter who started writing all that mumbo jumbo on the website. To a critical thinker like me stuff like that just turns me away from a product. It can be a ... 
Absolute Power Cords? Any opinions?
Read this: "Dynamic Filtering is the result of our studies. Virtual Dynamics uses applied science to displace unwanted mechanical frequencies from the path of your audio system."1) which studies?2) which science?3) how?"Dynamic Filtering is as imp... 
Rap music on high-end speakers
To each his own...if TRU likes to listen to Rap, fine. I have some rap albums, too. This is not a thread about tastes, it's about suggesting gear. Although, a black audiophile friend of mine viewed this thread and his comment to me was that someon... 
Totally Confused about home theater
Multi channel audio! Are you insinuating the use of a "panpot"? I haven't gone into that you think they're worthwhile? I have the book The Joy of Audio Electronics and it has the plans for one. Also SESCOM sells the cabinet for it.Swamp M... 
Any good HT websites...
Sean, I found this link in Vans Ever's website: a good DIY section, too... 
Totally Confused about home theater
But there's a way I can use them 'separately'...I bought a six input switchbox from Decware. I can hook up my VCR and DVD to the Proton Preamp/Video Tuner up front in a separate rack (along with my tuner) and send the signal to the third input of ... 
Totally Confused about home theater
Well Mr. Bishop, what should I do with my Mirage MBS Bipolars? Will it be OK to use them as rear surrounds with the Swans' ribbon tweeter? I have a back wall adjacent to my couch. Would it be worthwhile to use them as side surrounds and get some o... 
Totally Confused about home theater
Thanks, Sean--you're the only one of my guys I hadn't e-mailed (I've given up). I started this thread because I got a cheap Sharp two channel DVD player which I'm running through my Soundstream/Krell DAC. It was by far the heaviest model of all th... 
Absolute Power Cords? Any opinions?
One thing that's right is Bill Parish's marketing abilities. Which PC company makes ONE THOUSAND identical power cords at one time? Bill Parish does. Amazing...he can then market them for $50. From what I understand, he had to raise the price beca... 
Turntable suggestions?
JCC, I've heard the Linn many many times.Looks like a Heybrook...¿coincidence? 
Linear tracking vs. Pivoted tracking tone arms.
Just beautiful! Bet would be a great match with one of those oldie Technics DDs (SP-10, SP-25)...Way out of my means, though.