
Responses from porziob

Recommendation for interconnect and speaker cables
Try Blue Jeans cable. Excellent product @ real world prices. Used in recording studios. why pay more for snakeoil. 
Do Cables Wear Out?
Of course. The flow of electrons take its toll. 
classe ca 200 vs mccormack dna 225
Use spell check. 
Do you believe everything you read on the internet
You mean some actually question what is writ on the I-net? 
Unused channels on a multi channel amp
Tripper if there`s no input, why does the channel need a load. It`s a little bit like wondering what a dead person will have for dinner. 
Should we upgrade high end fuses?
More snakeoil to waste the gullibles`$. 
Is the Eico HF 81 really that good?
Yep. I, for one, have never understood the mystique & panache some audiphiles attribute to Eico. This is another hit on Stereophile`s ever diminishing credibility. In it`s day (long gone), Eico was merely cheap, inexpensive & decent gear (... 
Unused channels on a multi channel amp
Tripper, this has ZERO to do with having a load connected. The inquiry was about the efficacy of capping unused inputs.Sean, the only input that will benefit from a shunted input is a phono input. The RFI/EMI interference often posited has as much... 
packing a turntable for shipping
There`s NO bullet proof method of shipping a T/T without the original pkg. 
When were the tubes last checked? I`ll bet the previous owner said they were "like new". 
break-in method affecting sound of a component
Try the Troll CD for break in. 
Empire 999 TE/X Cartridge
Empire was never a heavyweight in the crtg. mkt. Crtg. specs might be more bogus than cable technology. 
the changing sound of compoents over time
This sounds like mind over matter. 
Unused channels on a multi channel amp
Elevick, a channel with NO input CANNOT stress the pwr. supply. This doesn`t even qualify for Urban Legend status. 
speaker maintenance
With proper care & no abuse the 802Ns might outlast you.