
Responses from porziob

Installing dedicated lines. Which cable to use?
Nrchy, for your edification (assuming it`s possible) BX is required in NYC by code. Call a local electrician since you doubt me. 
FM rooftop antenna grounding problem
You really need a directional outdoor antenna. The FM2G doesn`t cut it. Your poor reception has ZERO to do with grounding. 
Cables, Cables
Why should pre made wire sound better. Most cable co.s don`t own a single piece of test equipment. Almost none have manufacturing facilities. They buy the cables OEM; mark them up astronomically & rely on the ad copy & audiophile gullibili... 
Phase Linear
Bigjoe, I`m surprised the old autoformers don`t sound terrible to you. 
getting rid of two-way radio interference?
Some months back, there was an excellent article on dealing with EMI/RFI on the Audioholics site by Dan Banquer. It`s not easy but can be dealt with. 
How do I warm up my system?
Turn it on & let it play. I hate trick questions. 
Is Analysis Plus giving away free samples?
They`re cables not Rembrandts, hence the 50% depreciation. 
Longer Power Cords Sound better?
Longer PCs sounding better is an urban legend. They abound in this hobby`s gullibility quotient. 
Bloated speakers/weight wise
The density & damping qualities of the cabinet material contribute to the weight. It seems to be the best way of eliminating cabinet resonances. Like in life, there`s no free lunch. 
Installing dedicated lines. Which cable to use?
In NYC, code requires the use of BX cable. Romex doesn`t meet code here. Code must be met where the DIYer resides. Those with IQs over 100 have no problem complying with code. Obviously, some seem challenged in this area. 
Installing dedicated lines. Which cable to use?
Different codes call for different wire & different methods. I realize this is very difficult for you to grasp. 
Installing dedicated lines. Which cable to use?
You can melt your own copper, make your own dielectric, etc. At the end of the day you MUST MEET CODE. 
Installing dedicated lines. Which cable to use?
Never mind mind making your own wire. You must meet bldg. codes. In case of fire, failure to do so might result in your liability. The insur. co. won`t pay a red cent. 
Plastic ring over tweeter opinion
These are the same peo. who recommend sitting on the floor while listening. IMHO, they have a credibility issue like most tweakers. 
Help with church system...
I strongly suggest you do some reading on sound reinforcement. This isn`t an equipment or cable issue. It`s an acoustics problem that might respond to judicious EQ. or different or additional spkr. placement.