
Responses from porschecab

Where does your user name come from?
GARFISH?R U out there?Dan 
What percentage do you spend on each component?
I should add, my decisions were definitely not planned. I bought what I liked and the ratios (posted earlier) played themselves out.Dan 
What percentage do you spend on each component?
It sounds like your system is a 2 channel deal. The percentages I am listing are for a theater/2 channel system (as if they can really be integrated, right.....)Front End (Cal Audio DVD) 5.7%Processor (Cal) 12.3%Amp (Cal) 17.1%Speakers (Aerial) 53... 
Help with FedEx claim......What would YOU do?
Thanks to all for comments. I worked for an insurance company for 15 years, I do not over insure, I only insure for the value sold. That, is the market value. Often I am asked to insure for more, and I have to explain that is not possible with me.... 
Where does your user name come from?
I was clearly overly anxious about a car purchase and decided to change my ID to reflect such. I had planned on changing it back to EHEAD (an entirely different story) once the car arrived, but it is amazing how many a) I have a Porsche too, which... 
Receiver vs Processor
Tbone,Do you know what the beauty of the "All, this for $295!" statement is? You can try it very inexpensively, try it out, if you like it, you didn't spend the 'grand' for a DC-1, and if it doesn't work out, 1) You will know the answer, and 2) yo... 
Another "Odd" Auction
Now, take the feedback that person has and read through it. What do you see? "Nice dolls", "cute clothes", "adorable top", etc. Not that this person isn't entitled to selling others goods, but.......................................................Dan 
If it's too good to be true....
Mattybumpkin -Check the individual stats on the rating too. 200+ and 100- make +100 but not a good seller!Ask the seller why he is selling it. Could be he/she lost a job, doesn't fit the house, etc, etc, etc. Dan 
Receiver vs Processor
Check out the latest Home Theater magazine. Great comparisons of high end receivers with mid level preamp/amp combos. The same differences would be found at all levels.DC-1 with a strong 5 channel amp is the best value and combo on the market toda... 
UPS ??? Do they ever pay a claim???
I have a good one. I sold a McIntosh MC-352, insured for purchase price, $3,000, shipped BOLTED to the plywood, all factory original crates, and left. The company somehow knocked off the binding posts, broke a heat sink, etc. I file the claim, and... 
Buying and Selling of feedback
Here are the rules:Feedback may be submitted only if one of the following events have occurred:- Buyer winning a bid at auction, if reserve is met.(I would add, if backing out, feedback is allowed) - Seller receiving a bid at auction above reserve... 
What is the best 6.1 A/V PreAmp for 1500 list?
Com eng -Before you invest in a 6 channel processor or another speaker, try to borrow a receiver or processor (like ANY of the Lexicons from CP-3, DC-1, DC-2+) and give 7.1 a true listen. If you are not satisfied with 6.1, the Logic7 or 7.1 BLOWS ... 
Velodyne HGS-18 subwoofer
Integrating an 18" is always difficult. Which speakers are you trying to match up with?Dan 
When will the "Madness" stop
You are assuming that it does.Not sure of that................... 
looking for a better DVD player
I would go out on a limb and say that 99.9% of the peeople would not notice the sound variations on any of these players you mentioned. At some level, the trade offs become mute, and I would say at those levels, you have hit it.The Camelot is supp...