Responses from pokey77
Underspent on speakers relative to overall system? @reubent I'm with you. I've heard very good electronics make vintage speakers sing. | |
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening This is a solid recommendation. It'll help you understand where the current state of the art in your price range is. And remember not only what speakers you like, but what the supporting gear was. Then you can at least to attempt that in your own ... | |
Sanders 10e I've heard the system several times at Newport and LAAS and it was very good. Always among my top-5 favorites. | |
Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening @steventoneySince you are moving fairly soon, might not it be better if you start your search in earnest where you are moving? I’m not sure how many hi-end dealers there are in Spokane, but Seattle is just over four hours away and I’m sure there m... | |
Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7s? - seeking advice You like Wilson Audio. How about the Sabrina? IME they sound awesome with ARC tubes. (I have not heard the Alexia) | |
Anyone Had Extended Listening Experience With MBL? I guess the OP got lost? | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Justo Almario - Forever FriendsCibelle - The Shine of Dried Electric Leaves (one of my reference disks; both sound quality and music quality, IMO, very good.) | |
Pass Labs XA100.5 or XA160.5 or keep the Lexicon ZX7 and buy a Arc preamp? @dskinner5 see posts by "ghosthouse" who has a Freya. You may find some answers there. | |
Has any heard the new McIntosh MA8900 integrated? @jeffp13 You said "it makes music sound lifeless and dull". I have a McIntosh MA6500 powering Martin Logan Vantages and the synergy is very good. I've never heard Mac sound like you describe although I've heard it sound soft in with some speakers,... | |
Discount Stores, i.e. newaudiovideo.com Look at all the folks in here commenting; most have 2 posts or less............. | |
Anyone Had Extended Listening Experience With MBL? @prof Nice post. | |
Not Enough Options for Auditioning Speakers @gdnrbobHey bob,Great post.@mobiusmuIf shows and dealers are not doable, accepting others offers to come and listen is a great idea. And you just may make a great new friend in the process. | |
Anyone Had Extended Listening Experience With MBL? @linden56 Yes, I’ve heard many of their speakers. The first time was at the Show in Newport Beach maybe four years ago. The speaker was the 111F driven by MBL Reference Line electronics including the mono blocks, ref preamp, and the DAC with tran... | |
Not Enough Options for Auditioning Speakers @ricred1 To quote you - "I don't think anything is the "best" so no matter what I have, I'll always know there's something out there that I may prefer more." I deleted part of that sentence you refer to to expand it. What I initially wrote include... | |
Not Enough Options for Auditioning Speakers @ricred1 - very much agreedIf you can get to a show, that would be the best way to hear and see so much equipment at one time. Visiting dealers is the slow road to you know where. The last system I bought was based on my treks to a number of loc... |