
Responses from podeschi

Anyone using Octave amps or preamps?
Wow, great report in Absolute Sound about Octave phono preamp -- sounds like enough reviewers will pick up on how great Octave is and then the prices will go up! 
Stand out phono stages
I agree with the earlier callouts on the Herron phono stages. I owned the VTPH-1mc+ and thought it was awesome. With a Benz low output moving coil, it performed better in my system that a Fosgate Signature that I had and then sold (Fosgate was awe... 
Velodyne DD Plus: New King of the Jungle?
Have had the DD Plus 15 (cherry) now for a few months, integrated with my Estoric MG-20 speakers, and I run a separate balanced cable into the sub from my Integra for home theater where I'm running Gallo satellites. I used the room equalization so... 
Esoteric MG-10 and MG-20 speakers
A couple months later, and I am still loving my MG-20s, now matched with new Velodyne DD15+. Am now upgrading amplification to a VAC amp. Getting ready to list Simaudio on A'gon. 
Headphones - Senn HD 800 or Grado RS1i.......
I agree regarding the T1s. I went to 32 Ohm Audio in Portland and listened to all the flagship models from Sennheiser (800s sounded to forward/bright/analytical); Grados (hard to ignore but too much going on with the sound/imaging), Denons (great ... 
Best Late Night Low Volume Speaker
I agree with Toronto416. I have the Beyerdynamic T1 and the matching A1 headphone amp and that is hard to beat whether playing vinyl or digital at night. No room acoustics to contend with, and can play without worrying about bothering my wife or c... 
Is the Basis 2001 a solid enough table to keep.
Old thread, but this past summer I also bought a Basis 2001. It came withe Rega 300 arm. I upgraded to a Vector IV and put a Benz LP-S cartridge on it. I really like this table and tonearm, especially good marriage with the Benz low output MC and ... 
Anyone using Octave amps or preamps?
Just a shout out for Tyler at Next Level. He is a pleasure to interact with and is committed to honest audiophile advice. Very committed to getting someone the best possible product for his system. 
Perfect Wave DAC and Bridge
I have my Perfect Wave Dac and Bridge set up (cable modem into Netgear WND3700 as media server with old hitachi usb hard drive into the Netgear router, and router into bridge; iPad as controller with PS Audio app; golden reference on PWD to Simaud... 
Herron VTSP-3A
Great to hear all the positive responses about Herron gear. Keith Herron is a first rate gentleman who makes some of the best high end gear out there. I haven't used his VTSP preamps but I owned a VTPH-1mc+ and just upgraded to the VTPH-2 phono pr... 
Herron VTPH-2
Thanks! I spent some time this year assembling my 2 channel systems -- with the centerpiece being getting back into vinyl after 20+ years .... I was hoping I could go all digital but when comparing digital versus vinyl at my brother's (maggie 20.1... 
Herron VTPH-2
If I wasn't using the simaudio i5.3se integrated, i would but the herron pre-amp and a really nice tube amp (eg audio research). 
Esoteric MG-10 and MG-20 speakers
I just purchased the Esoteric MG20s and love them. They have the speed, immediaciy and transparency of a Maggie but without a too forward/bright treble (was my experience with recent auditions of Maggies I went to purchase). MG20s have smooth and ... 
Herron VTPH-2
Just to chime in late in the game here....I had a Herron VTPH-1 MC+ and compared it to a new Fosgate Signature Phono Preamp. The Fosgate had great extension on high and lows, but for my low output MC the VTPH-1 had a more lively energetic presence... 
An Informal Assessment of Anti Cables
I agree with eniac26's assessment. I've burned in both anti cable speaker wire and ICs. Transparency and treble and speed increased but I believe it is due to bass information lacking. My cardas neutral reference sound more musical and full range ...