
Responses from podeschi

VAC is untouchable in its mids and highs. I have a 300.1a and the detail retrieval, refinement, and smooth nature of the mids/highs is best I've heard. The lower registers are there, just not very pronounced. Very deliberate and tight as can be, b... 
What to put under my VAC AMP/ PREAMP??
Resurrecting the thread on ultralinear versus triode. I listened my first two months (received the VAC gear this summer) in ultralinear mode. Just borrowed a Decware Torii Mk III 25 wpc amp to see how it sounded in my system. More body/heft, silki... 
Sony SCD XA5400ES tube rolling?
I just read the exceptional (balanced, informative, non-hyped) review in july Positive Feedback. Where is best source to buy mullard and sophia tubes, and for a tube rolling neophyte is there a particular version/flavor/spec of those i should grav... 
What is your most beautiful component?
Great post, Mapman! 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
Hey rfogel8 I see you own and appreciate the triplanar arm. I am just now in receipt of an atma sphere 208 (modded empire table) that comes with a triplanar vii uii arm. Glad to hear it is a dynamic lively arm! 
would the Sony SCD 5400 Ex make a good transport?
Thanks, JWM. I specifically picked the 300.1 so i could pick up a second in a year or two. 
would the Sony SCD 5400 Ex make a good transport?
Thanks, JWM. I specifically picked the 300.1 so i could pick up a second in a year or two. 
would the Sony SCD 5400 Ex make a good transport?
Jwm, thanks for the sound counsel. Do you recommend any place in particular to buy the tubes for the Sony? I auditioned power cords on the sony transport and power supply and went with audience e powerchords. I am pretty happy with harmonic techno... 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
A few months later and I am still amazed at how incredible the Modwright 5400 sounds. Especially on redbook CDs and xrcds. I can listen to this and enjoy it next to my vinyl rig that costs many multiples more. A liitle more tonal roundness in viny... 
would the Sony SCD 5400 Ex make a good transport?
Am playing the Sony through (XRCDs, CDs and SACDs...prefer sonics in that order) my new VAC gear. I have to believe the Modwright Sony is the most value for the buck I've ever received from a piece of audio gear. Amazing how good this sounds -- no... 
What is your most beautiful component?
toss-up between Clearaudio Innovation Wood turntable and VAC 300.1a amp (with the tubes running and lights off) 
Want new phono amp, what should I buy?
I've been very happy with Herron vtph-2 mm/mc phono preamp. A search on audiogon will show it has a cult following. 
Just heard a Clearaudio Innovation Wood.And WOW
I have a clearaudio innovation wood. Tough to match speed stability and quietness for 3k with arm. Used market may be route to go (used Artemis Labs or Brinkmann) 
would the Sony SCD 5400 Ex make a good transport?
I have the 5400 modified by Dan Wright at ModWright. I never heard the stock 5400, but can tell you my ModWright 5400 competes with my 20k vinyl rig and does not sound edgy or bright in the least. He has a new mod coming up that will allow you to ... 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
Dfk0I am using the HT Magic Link 2 cable(s) between 5400es and preamp. I have both the xlr and rca versions connected to compare. The xlr sound better -- quiter and a little more open...obviously more gain as well. I think the Harmonic Technology ...