
Responses from playpen

B+O MMC2 cartridge What line grade was it,any good
Many thanks for the info.Would you believe this was going to be thrownout.I wanted to put a bid on it,tried it but it wouldn't stay running,when to pick a couple records I won at auction and they asked if I wanted it before they throw it out.I wou... 
Your Favorite, Most Outstanding Guitar Solo
Frank Zappa Watermelon in easter hay from Joes garage. 
What about 7"45's anybody still listen to them?
Thanks Chadnliz,I'll have to go through my collection and see.Some of them can get real expensive.I stood next to a guy at a show and he was trying to get the dealer down to $500. for one Elvis 45. 
Time Has Come Today-The Chambers Brothers
Great stuff I used to listen to.Another one I'll have to pull out clean and play,havent heard it in years from my collection. 
What about 7"45's anybody still listen to them?
That's an enormous amount of 45's,I wish he was closer.I like playing them on my lower end rotel table.Every once in a while I go to the 2 local record stores and dig through the just came in rack at 2 for buck.Anybody remember putting a penny tha... 
Vibration Theory - Isolate or Drain?
Cio52,I have a rega planer 3 with a lot of upgrades on the mapleshape brass footers and maple platform.Do you think my table is worth doing the nano mounts to,what table do you have? 
Vibration Theory - Isolate or Drain?
i've found with my lowly oppo 970 that experimenting with brass placement on cabinet top of tray and vibrapods under really enhances sound out of that $150.player. 
Grilles or No Grilles
I had paradigm 60v2's and now the v5's,to me they sound better with the grills off. 
Buy new integrated or vintage?
I have a sony 500ES and just put it up on the bench,noisy selector and phono switch.I looked real close and got some deoxit faderlube and gold sprayed in,trouble gone,nice and quiet.As for sound quality according to mine you would do better gettin... 
Your First Concert was.....
Led Zepellin at the pavillion in NY.The drummer was so stoned he could hardly stay in the chair.Second notable was Mothers of Invention at the fillmore east.That was 40 years ago. 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
I always wondered about this.Almost all women I know are satisfied with a $49. boom box.Any attempt to get them a decent system is meet with total rejection.I think how much money I could save if I was like that. 
Paradigm Studio 60 V5 Fingernails on Chalkboard
Bob,I would chuck the home theater amp,like I said my yamaha is unlistenable compared to my bryston on your speakers.For a real cheap fix My brother brought over his new $200. berringer power amp and I ran it through my bryston preamp,unbelievably... 
Paradigm Studio 60 V5 Fingernails on Chalkboard
I've had the 60v5's for over a year now,they need a 100 hours breakin.I run a bryston b100 and have none of above problems,the highs radiate up in the air beautifully,the speakers disappear,no fatigue at all.I believe it's the amp as my yamamha ds... 
How to tame brightness
I picked off 2 30" by30" by 2" buchter blocks for $10 each at an auction and put them under my paradigm60v5's,put a piece of carpet on the wall and made sure all 4 speaker feet were footed well on the block,and use a level on top of the speakers a... 
Buidling a Classical Library - MUST HAVES!
Holst:The planets;Stokowski,LA philharmonic, emi classics cd;old recording but by far my favorite performance. Stravinsky Rite of spring;Petrouchka,high performance bmg Cd of Boston symphony and Seiji Ozawa. Also the Firebird suite by Bso. Zubin M...