

Responses from pixelriffic

Douk Audio. Any experience with any of their products?
This is one of several pieces that interested me.  For a single ended tube amp of this sort, the price is dirt cheap.  I did notice that what appears to be the same amp on Amazon, received several good reviews.  One thing that did put me off was t... 
Turntable Advice
I second the SOTA reccomendation. A step up from REGA (IMHO) and definitely available used in your price range. A Sapphire is much closer to a LP12, if not superior.  They sometimes show up in your price range used.   
Douk Audio. Any experience with any of their products?
The Chinese tubes themselves are bound to be the weakest part.  Western NOS are best in breed, then the (former?) soviet tubes, and finally Chinese.  It can be quite surprising as to what a difference this can make.  Seems the chinese electronics ... 
Douk Audio. Any experience with any of their products?
Thanks Bill.  That's great to hear.  New components go through a break in period, so it's understandable the sound improved over time.  It's great to actually hear about the sonics of one of their products.   They seem almost too good to be true f... 
Douk Audio. Any experience with any of their products?
I do appreciate the info on ebay feedback.  What I'm really looking for is any experience with the sound of their products. 
Douk Audio. Any experience with any of their products?
Thanks for the responses.  Glad to know they make good issues with failed products.  I'm really interested in finding someone who actually bought either a tube kit, or a completed tube amp product from these folks.  While they appear to have some ... 
New Technics 1200
As a someone who has serviced audio gear for many years, I can confirm there is a vast gulf between the quality and construction of the SL1200II clones, and the genuine Technics turntable.  Most would be shocked to see the internal construction co... 
Power cables
Ah the miracle of high end power cables.  Somehow six feet of fancy wire can overcome any shortfall created by fifty feet of Romex, and miles of stranded copper from the lowest bidder.  Magic! 
Best speakers for Pink Floyd?
JBL Paragon. Which always sounded best sitting on the floor. This is no doubt where you would be. 
I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible
Add a large helping of Mpingo discs and Tice clocks.  I can practically taste the music! 
Audio Research Reference 150 severe distortion
shaq,The fact that both channels exhibit the same symptom, at least that is what I understand from your message, points to a power supply issue.  It may not be so serious as it seems.  I would suggest looking for an experienced servicer in driving...