
Responses from pinwa

Is this how a Subwoofer Crossover is supposed to work?
erik_squires I can remeasure with one sub and set the crossover to its 200 Hz high point but I'm not sure the results will show much difference but you can never tell.I am using a Willsenton R8 tube amp to drive Moabs.  If I want to add subs to le... 
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab
@jeffvegas can't wait to hear your side by side comparision of the Revels and Moabs.  So few people on here post opinions based on actual a/b comparisions which is the only real way to know what you prefer. Just be prepared for the wait on the Mo... 
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab
I own the Moabs and Magnepan 3.7's.  The Moabs have a very rich involving sound but the fact that they are cheaply made, poorly damped, box speakers also shows up in the way they sound.  The Magnepan's are a little less involving but technically I... 
High end Class D amps?
The Starke AD4.320 isn't sold out, is it simply backordered until the end of December.  Pricing is still $839 shipped.  I hooked the AD4.320 up to my Moabs today and liked it better... 
High end Class D amps?
Based on  boomerbillone's comments on the Starke AD4.320 in this thread, and the very aggressive Black Friday pricing of $839, I bought the amplifier and it was delivered Wednesday.  I let the Starke AD4.320's burn in for about 20 hours and spent... 
Where are the cheap home streamers?
I think I must not understand what people mean by streamers since I would have thought a high quality bluetooth receiver like this one meets almost all of the needs for wirelessly transmitting music to a system: 
Pondering a change after 30 odd years...
I heard a pair of Spatial Audio X5's today which had all the clarity and transparency of the Maggie 1.7's and then some.  Great sounding speaker and definitely something to consider coming from the Acoustat's.  The owner preferred the X5 to the Ma... 
How do you know what you're missing?
I think you are asking a very valid question. After not caring much about music for the past 40 years I’ve jumped into the whole audiophile thing with both feet. I’ve been buying and trying a variety of used equipment. So far I have 3 speakers, 4 ... 
Maggies to Tekton?
I have the Maggie 1.7's in a large room.  Unclear if I have really optimized their placement.  Often I am enthralled by the soundstage and precision/definition I hear but other recordings just don't seem to be that engaging which may be the lack o... 
laid back stereo power amp
You didn't mention your budget but I bought the Crown XLS 1502 to drive my Maggie 1.7's with and I liked it so much I sent it back and upgraded to the XLS 2502.  Great full warm sound and definitely not harsh.  It is very satisfying to listen to. ... 
How much space between cables is enough?
If I thought I could hear the difference, I might be willing to spend the hundreds to thousands of dollars on the fancy vibration isolation gizmos but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't.  I will say that putting those  E.V.A. Anti-Vibration Pad's under m... 
How much space between cables is enough?
Researching the idea of suspending cables I came across a post on another site about using rebar chairs for this.  They come in different sizes and look like they would enable the rubber band trick.  Cheap hack if you think it would work.  Persona... 
My used Magnepan 1.6's are missing sparkly treble. Why?
The Spatial Audio speakers look very interested.  I think if a used pair of M3's or X5's came up I would probably give them a try. 
My used Magnepan 1.6's are missing sparkly treble. Why?
I think you are probably right about the 1.6's being fine although I'm probably not going to go to the trouble of hooking them up again to find out.  I'll put them up for sale soon and hopefully somebody else will fall in love with them.  At the u... 
My used Magnepan 1.6's are missing sparkly treble. Why?
I thought I should provide an update to my original post.  Since I wasn't sure what was going on with the 1.6's and there was a very good used 1.7 for sale locally at a good price I ended up getting that also.  Overall I liked the 1.7 better and t...