Responses from pinkus
Which is the most tubelike solid state amp around darTZeel anyone ? | |
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices? Matti, out of curiosity, can you tell me a stock that the stock market has treated kindly :) | |
Is there life after a KXR? Help Mtdking,you certainly seem to have auditioned a lot of equipment. I am curious as to which amps you have settled on for the moment.Also what are your thoughts on the Audio Research Ref 110Thanks | |
Is there life after a KXR? Help Mike, not all Lamm's are tubed. In fact if I remember correctly, the Lamm Ref 1.2 are hybrid amps, where the tubes are present only in the input stage (small signal tubes), and the output stage is SS.Should be interesting to compare the Lamm's aga... | |
Tube Amp,Solid State Preamp. I run the Ayre KX-R with a pair of Nagra VPA's, and very happy with the results. | |
Is there life after a KXR? Help Mike,did you compare your MX-R's with Lamm's ? You mention that you have heard a lot of gear over the years, and I am wondering if the Lamm's happen to be one the amps that you have auditioned. | |
Is there life after a KXR? Help Cpk, thanks for the correction. What I meant is replace the MX-R's with the V1-XE. | |
Is there life after a KXR? Help As an aside, since you have tried both the KX-R and MX-R's, why did you decide to keep the MX-R's and sell the KX-R. Did you consider keeping the KX-R and selling the MX-R's ? The MX-R's could be replaced with the K1-XE. | |
Is there life after a KXR? Help If your budget is $10K, why not buy a used KX-R. You should be able to get one for $12K or less.If you go with a CJ Art II, the ACT2, or the CT-5, I am sure you will not miss the KX-R terribly. Or you can get the Audio Research REF3, LS26 if balan... | |
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor old v new Auditor,without hearing the two speakers side by side, anything you say is going to be speculative, to say the least. Also, I think since you own SF's products, you should give SF the benefit of the doubt -- I would like to think that SF has done ... | |
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor old v new Hulskof,I read the review at the local B&B. I have not received my copy of TAS yet. Where are you located ? You can also download the latest TAS for $7 from the TAS web site. If you own the Cremona M's, $7 is a small price to pay for reading a... | |
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor old v new There is a review of the Cremona M's in the latest TAS, and Neil Gader comments favorably on the new M's. He also comments that in his small room, the speakers extend to the mid 20's in their frequency response (bass). This supports what Huskolf h... | |
NAGRA VPA monoblocks They are sublime. I love mine. I bought my VPA's 3 years ago, and will live them for at least another 10 years.Thanks | |
Anyone permanently convert from tubes to SS? I moved from tubed preamplifiers (CJ Premier 14, CJ Premier 17LS2, Audio Research LS-26) to the SS Ayre KX-R, and am more than satisfied.Thanks | |
Jeff Rowland Capri preamp Ckoffend,I agree with your observation that Ayre gear sounds more tube like than the Capri. I have observed the exact same thing, and written about it.Good to know that I am not the only one. |