Responses from pinkus
ayre K-5xe anyone tried the mp upgrade Nope, no upgrade for V5xe as of now.But given that the 1 series has recently been discontinued, it would seem reasonable that there will be a new 1 series at some point, or there will be upgrades that trickle down to the current 5 series | |
Wilson Sophia 3 From Wilson's site:"Because of the changes to the cabinet, original Sophias and Sophia 2s cannot be upgraded to Sophia 3s."Thats a hoot ... I did not know that Sophias could be upgraded to Sophia 2s. | |
Dynaudio Excite X16 vs. Dynaudio Focus 140 Dedicated Audio,is the price of the Focal Diablo $12K or $15K ? Has there been a price drop ?Thanks | |
ARC Reference Anniversary preamp in 2011 I know a reviwer (not OP) that is going to wet himself .... :-) | |
JRDG Capri vs. Parasound JC-1 Macrojack,I guess I should have been clearer in my earlier post ... what I wanted to say is that I thought you would prefer the JC-2 over the Capri. Was that not so ... did you prefer the JC-2 over the Capri ?Also, your check is in the email :-) | |
JRDG Capri vs. Parasound JC-1 Drubin, he did not like the Capri. Please read my email above where I predicted the result :-)You can thank me later Macrojack ... ;-) | |
The Harbeth phenomenon How about 'em Tidal owners ... they can wax lyrical also (understatement) | |
The Harbeth phenomenon The love is not universal. Check out this review.10 Audio on Harbeth M30 | |
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ? Ayre MX-R | |
Luxman M-600A Tpreaves, step into Audiofeil's shoes for a moment. He is a dealer, and has probably more experience than most (I said most). Audiofools with keyboards have a propensity to sling out cliches based on a combination of imagination, some listening ex... | |
Tidal electronics... Either Tidal knows something that Wilson, KEF, Magico, Burmester, Ascendo, Sonus Faber, etc. etc don't know ....Or you guys have drunk the Koolaid !All in harmless fun. Enjoy ! | |
JRDG Capri vs. Parasound JC-1 Macrojack,please open the box. I am sure you will end up liking the JC-2 better. I am quite confident ... almost confident enough to consider making you this promise...if you decide to sell the JC-2, you can send me an email and I will consider se... | |
802d for a 10x13 room, 8ft ceiling - am I nuts? Monitor and subs are so overrated. I have not heard a setup where the sub blends in seamlessly with the monitor. I would go with a speaker that can stand alone without a sub. I think the 804's are perfect for a room that size. | |
Good upgrade from Levinson 33H's JA of Stereophile also uses 33H's as his reference amplifiers, and on at least one instance in his reviews he has referred to the Ayre MX-R's as possibly his "ultimate" amps. | |
direct or not? Bbjcab,care to comment on the MP upgrade for the K5Xe ? |