

Responses from phusis

What creates the effortlessness in sound reproduction?
@douglas_schroeder -- Peter is above board. The shameless ones are those with ulterior agendas.Even without hearing the speakers he linked to I can see that they have many of the criteria necessary to achieve effortless sound reproduction - given ... 
The Modern DAC killed High Resolution Music - has Stereophile proven it?
Generally I can certainly attest to the fact that I haven’t given high-res music files much of a thought these latest years, other than 2L recordings, but whether that’s attributable to the technological advancements made in jitter reduction with ... 
Best bass in Earth! Bass that just smells right...
@millercarbon --When Duke says "My understanding is that true stereo below 80 Hz is actually quite rare" what he means is unicorn rare. Something people talk about but never quite manage to find. There is no stereo bass information down low. Even ... 
Best bass in Earth! Bass that just smells right...
@audiokinesis --(@brotw posted: " As I understand it, an array of subs would be very effective at smoothing out the bass response of the room over a wider sweet spot. What about spatial cues from bass frequencies? ")The good news is, you can have ... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
So if one decides to go with cable risers, how long is the break-in period?Good one.. 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
@andy2 --As a matter of curiosity, would you be humbling if you didn’t see any difference?Not sure I follow what you’re after, but I was merely using an example in a presumably related field to show my willingness to accept an effect of cable rise... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
While I’ve never really tested the (non-)effect of cable risers I wouldn’t rule out they’re having an effect, whilst quickly saying that if expensive cable risers of some more or less exotic material are promoted as having the biggest, most positi... 
Suggestions for higher efficiency speakers
... My main gripe is the pro stuff is dismissed by way to many who have never heard them and have a bias against them because they were told they were bad. Not because they listened and decided they were bad. IF you have heard them all and make a ... 
Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?
@avanti1960 --I would look for the Crown Studio Reference I/II. They have a build-in fan, yes, but it will only "go off" when you really push the amp - and believe me, the Studio Ref's barely break a sweat, and when they do they can take it, hour ... 
Audiophile speakers that get loud
@bundy --What high-pass filter(s) have you been using? I’m using the Xilica XP-3060 in my own setup, and find it to be virtually transparent with my (passively filtered) mains high-passed. So, maybe the Xilica could be the solution high-passing yo... 
Auralic Altair G1
Heard the Auralic Altair G1 via a friend's set-up last week, which sat in for testing. I know his system quite well - it consists of S.P. Technology Revelation speakers, a Crown Studio Reference II power amp, and the Blue Cheese Audio (BCA) Roquef... 
Eh hem!...Subwoofers... What do ya know?
@luisma31 -- apologies in advance as you were addressing someone else, I understand the bass augmentation can be achieved easily with the distributed array, there is such a thing as too much bass, in my array (4x10 inches not morels) I have to tun... 
Eh hem!...Subwoofers... What do ya know?
...That’s why this is such an uphill battle. As if the physics, psycho-acoustics, mono, and "integrating" aren’t hard enough, you got to try and convince people the concept is so powerful it overrides the need for great big expensive drivers. Oh, ... 
The order of getting more/better bass
@mijostyn --Mr Hartley is certainly correct in saying the best bass is expensive. As Mr. Harley put it:Third, accurate bass reproduction is expensive. The lower the frequency accurately reproduced, the more expensive bass becomes. Note the word “a... 
Subwoofer advice
@pkatsuleas --... Looking to supplement clean low end not anything bloated or overbearing. If you don’t mind going the DIY-route and being you have a fair amount of space allotted, I’d recommend you build 2 horn subs. My experience with them is th...