

Responses from phusis

Stereophile complains it's readers are too informed.
It's not least, indeed predominantly due to Art Dudley's fondness of the "incalculable number of iconoclasts, heretics, mavericks, nonconformists, lone wolves, enfants terrible, and hidebound kooks" that Stereophile has seen some degree of real ... 
10K system
@noromance -- The OP posted this in the Pro Audio section. Maybe they are looking for pro audio gear.My thought as well, but going by the OP’s latest response it would seem pro audio, as it should correctly apply to this topic segment, isn’t the p... 
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
@aj523 --You want intimate/enveloping/engulfing and midrange excellence bar none in a listening room as many cubic feet as your - and, naturally, "more" than your ELAC’s - I’d go active again, but bigger and with added headroom; make that the ATC ... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
All these posts getting deleted, one a my recent ones as well with one of these reasons given for the deletion: It looked like spamIt was abusive towards another memberIt depicts explicit and/or violent contentIt contains profanity I'm guessing ... 
Home Theater Speakers exclusively
@cajunbaseballNow that you stress front speakers for Home Theater exclusively: forget about “hifi” speakers and buy some genuin pro cinema speakers from the likes of JBL, QSC, Electro-Voice or KCS. New or used doesn’t matter, through I’d recommend... 
Recommendations for electronic crossover.
@dhl93449 Regarding the subject of active XOs, it is almost impossible to find one that is built without op amps. Bryston is the only company that comes to mind that produced HP and LP versions with discrete Class A circuitry, and I do not recall ... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
@geoffkait —>>>>>Is there going to be an exchange of POWs? 😳Oops, now that doesn’t sound right - make that POV 😬 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
@mahlman —Whether I was serious with my now deleted message dissing sarcasm? You bet; I find your OP to stand on its own and read it sans sarcasm. Indeed it’ all the more effective this way clearly expressing your POW while asking others about the... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
@pmiller -- If I understand this somewhat elitist approach correctly, I will no longer be able to appreciate music for what it is unless I learn to play an instrument and can add personal touches to my favorite tunes. I am so disappointed.As I've... 
Top notch integrated vs DAC direct into stereo amp
@thieliste --Poster @douglas_schroeder is certainly right about you being the only one who can make the call, and that either option (DAC/preamp-poweramp vs. DAC-preamp-poweramp) could appeal to you the most. That being the case though I’d go the ... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
I propose that an audiophile must have more than a superficial knowledge about what he listens to and must technically understand what he is listening to. He knows why things work and what his end goal is and often makes his own components to ach... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
It may be fitting to note poster @mahlman's last paragraph above ends with a question: what do we think defines an audiophile? The man simply shared his opinion, to which he's entitled, and then went on to invite us into the same inquiry; kudos fo... 
Recommendations for electronic crossover.
And I thought listeningNa, you already proved you can’t do that with this statement.Every one of us preferred the sound of the bridged configuration, with some describing the sound as now being "more hifi"The "can’t see the forest for the trees"... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
The distinction between music and Home Theatre reproduction as it applies to subs is notably expressed here. I used to run previous, smaller sub set-ups much hotter (like +5dB's) when watching movies - as an act of compensation, I'm now aware - vs... 
Recommendations for electronic crossover.
@georgehifi -- And you can’t see the forest for the trees.And I thought listening, without theory dictating me what to hear, was doing exactly that (i.e.: seeing the forest for the trees)..