

Responses from phusis

Do Your Speakers have LEVEL CONTROLS or EQUALIZERS? (Vintage or Modern) ???
@elliottbnewcombjr wrote: Do Your Speakers have LEVEL CONTROLS or EQUALIZERS? (Vintage or Modern) ??? Sure, kind of; with outboard actively configured speakers just about the most elaborate kind of controls with everything from individual gain... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
@mahgister wrote/quoted: I am certain of one thing about this hobby: recognition from peers is the most important thing! Brand image. I’m just fascinated by these cheap class D mini-amps which get hyped to infinity due to excellent measurements ... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
@erik_squires wrote: ... Not saying that part cost is the determinant factor in sound quality but rather that a DIYer has significant incentive to achieve excellent results  which would otherwise be out of their reach. Also, I have long ago gi... 
How tall do you like your images?
With my setup the acoustic center at the LP sits just above ear level (~3 1/2 ft.), but the total radiation area reaches somewhat higher (6' 2" - from ground level). To my ears the overall presentation feels more real when being immersed in a larg... 
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
@carlsbad2 wrote: @emergingsoul Looks like you hurt the feelings of some sensitive sold state guys. They arn’t ok with your prefernce for tube amps. Oh well. Jerry Oh, it’s not really about preference. It would seem there are even some valv... 
Active ATC vs Spendor / Pass Labs
@avanti1960 wrote: If you get the ATCs make sure you have more than enough distance to allow the drivers to blend. when I heard them the dome midranges were noticeably incoherent with the other drivers (they have a very limited bandwidth compar... 
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
@atmasphere wrote: There are now class D amplifiers that can deliver all the musicality that used to be exclusively the domain of tube amplifiers. Does this apply mostly to the variants you’ve developed, or as well a more general direction wit... 
Why do speakers improve with more powerful amps?
@chowkwan wrote: One man’s datapoint. Your mileage will vary. VTL 500 (500 watt monoblock) powering tweeter on a Klipsch Jubilee and VTL 750 (750 watt monoblock) powering the bass on same Klipsch Jubilee. The Jubilee is designed for bi amping a... 
Has Your Hobby Changed?
Nowhere near retirement, but over these last years have seen my setup going from passive to outboard active configuration and from hifi to pro/studio/cinema segment gear, with my DAC/preamp now being the only member of the bunch that's non-pro (al... 
Why do speakers improve with more powerful amps?
IF you take a lower powered Amp, say 10 watts, running at .5% distortion and run it at 5 watts what is your distortion level compared to a high powered Amp, say 100 Watts and run it at 5 watts output, with .5%. That is not .5% at 5 watts but IS .... 
Active ATC vs Spendor / Pass Labs
@rfc -- Irrespective of the difference in volume levels (and room/gear) between the two setups, i.e.: the Spendor vs. ATC system, what was your main takeaway in terms of the core traits you heard from them? While not an optimal context of compari... 
Why do speakers improve with more powerful amps?
@esarhaddon1 -- +1 @erik_squires wrote: I recently asked a very similar question at DIYaudio and got some really in-depth responses which I felt really got to the root of the amplifier/speaker matching problem. Take a look: https://www.diyau... 
JBL 4367 = Sleep Denervation
@james633 -- Congrats on your JBL 4367’s. I find them to be an impressive design from a relatively compact size factor, and agree that stands should be included. There’s something about the good old "15 inch woofer/mid and a horn" combo that has ... 
How to prevent visitors from touching your system
Tell them not to.   
Too powerful of an amp!?
@kld10 wrote: I always had over powered amps with lots of headroom. It’s always been beneficial I find. I am now at an extreme point where I already had a Mcintosh 300 watt per channel and I bought Avantgarde speakers at 107 db efficiency. That ...