
Responses from phd

i want a dull, caramel colored cd player any ideas
Mrtennis your request for information on the worlds worst sounding CD player has been duly noted & you have many responses, including Zaikesmans to consider. Your sincerity is only surpassed by your boldness to even post such a thread. A Thera... 
i want a dull, caramel colored cd player any ideas
I think I got it! Mrtennis, are you Sam Tellig from Stereophile magazine doing undercover research? 
i want a dull, caramel colored cd player any ideas
Your kidding, correct? Sounds like your burned out on stereo gear, just turn the volume down. 
When is the best time to buy equipment??
During the wintertime, when outdoor activities are severly limited, is when most folks buy gear. Many people like to plan vacations in the summertime & are more worried about other family things. As such, the summertime is the best time to get... 
should i sell my speakers by piece or together?
Selling and shipping speakers, especially large ones without the original boxes is one of the leading causes of negative feedback received on Audiogon. You must be prepared to go to great lengths to pack them properly & as Florianw stated, UPS... 
Gene Pitney RIP
Only love can break a heart, need I say more? 
Dyning Amps-who wants them? Dynaco & Philips-free
Hi, I'll take the Dynaco ST-80 and will pay for shipping! It would be a good project for myself. 
In-Depth Explanation of the Audio Term "Synergy"
A marriage of components that produce an exciting and involving listening experience with all the attributes that audiophiles seek. I agree with S7horton, not sure if a more indepth answer is necessary. 
What is best hybrid at sane price point?
Maybe the Sonic Frontiers SFL-1, the ARC LS-1 & LS-2. 
Damned brands or not good electronics?
Keep in mind Audiophiles represent a very small segment of the population and the average consumer is more than content with a mediocre system. Unless this consumer knows an audiophile that can show them what they have been missing they are satisf... 
Phase Inversion in Preamplifer?
Clio09, a test CD to make phase corrections is a very good investment. If there are no other components in your system inverting phase other than the preamp than reversing polarity on both of your speakers will correct this. I am just saying it is... 
Phase Inversion in Preamplifer?
When both speakers are not wired in phase this will of course effect the sound, more noticeably the bass. But if all minus & plus connections between your amp & speakers are correct, and you insert a phase inverting preamp, at this point i... 
Phase Inversion in Preamplifer?
Preamps by Conrad Johnson all invert phase. I could not tell any difference by changing the polarity to my speakers. It is also interesting to know that many recordings are recorded phase inverted. Since your preamp inverts phase some of these rec... 
preamp tube hiss from my SF Line 1
Snipes that's excellent! Keep playing them tunes! 
power cord too short? what now?
I think that Metro04 does have a good point, the whole debate over power cord benefits, its length, gauge, & additional connections must be limited by the house wiring behind the walls. The old addage your system is only as good as its weakest...