

Responses from phcollie

Recommendation for a highly resolving amp
https://audiophilestyle.com/ca/reviews/power-amp-comparison-cambridge-edge-w-benchmark-ahb2-bryston-...A detailed comparison with the 4B3 & AHB2.  The AHB2 is without a doubt a nice piece, and at it's price point, perhaps the best option.   
what's going on with specs?
Pay attention to what many do not publish.Current & Capacitance?  Sometimes you have to call. Not sure what you mean by strong but if you want resiliance during demanding transients then capacitance is your friend. Also, the actual details of ... 
Telling musicians to evaluate and choose their instruments in a “scientific” way?
Oh my. This will rattle some feathers at ASR.   I am always amazed when they claim one DAC sounds the same as any other with equal measurements. 
Recommendation for a highly resolving amp
@chungjh Only a few. I did the research before choosing the 4B3 and chose the preamp (EAR Yoshino) because the seller confirmed the pairing and Dr. Mertins at Fairaudio.de uses this pairing in a reference system to evaluate audio products. One of ... 
Recommendation for a highly resolving amp
@chungjh  Can verify that cubed series is indeed highly resolving. I can hear the difference immediately when I change IC between the DAC, pre amp and my 4B3.  Speakers are magnepan.  Transparency is their thing but I think much is attributed to t... 
Bryston ???
@jffyg James will be grateful if you let him know which email or link you used that failed.  Mike can absolutely help you with any issue you may encounter.  
Bryston ???
Their CEO is active and will immediately have someone contact you if you ask them.  Google Bryston Circle.  Their service is beyond reproach. 
Yet Another Post About Power Conditioners!
@twoleftears ,Do these come up on the used market? I sent the company an email, only see a single distributor in the US and wondering if any audio dealers may have the 136?   
The Revolving Door...Hey, how about some synergy?
Cool Thread Resurrection :)I did some research and upgraded my preamp to the EAR Yoshino 868. Found some Audio evaluators in germany use the combination in their reference systems and the seller confirmed the pairing. Could not be more pleased. Af... 
Are Pre-Amps necessary?
I agree with Keef
The way I look at it, when you spend your money you get to make a choice. To be part of the problem or part of the solution. Be it sports, what airline to fly, what equipment to buy, films to see or not see and yes even music. If PC is your thing,... 
RE: the question: ":Why do forum interactions become contentious". . .
@bslon  Does this feature also eliminate having to read someones post in the forums? 
Help! I Need An Amp Purchase Option Other Than PayPal
PT Barnum got it right..........Have used paypal for years with no problems. Something would have to be horribly wrong to be banned from paypal. 
My Experience With Tekton
@mozartfan No worries mate. Its a bit like reading James Joyce. Takes some getting used to but it works just fine.  Maybe you can pen your own versioin of "Portrait of an Audiophile..."Cheers, take it all with a few grains of salt.  
My Experience With Tekton
@ blk, Was nothing but tongue and cheek humor. Not even meant to be a serious analogy.I will try and think of a better one that involves buying something I can not test nor return without a penalty. I’m smart enough not to say "a wife" . ;) YOU A...