

Responses from phantom_av

Efficient speakers makes a lot of sense for audiophiles on a budget. The amplifier choices increase considerably aswell.  
American Made Audio Products
The made in America banner has gone stale now :-)  
Will DAC always sound better going straight into a Power Amplifier?
This is being discussed on another thread, the most general common answer is NO, a pre-amp is still required for better SQ. Personal opinion every time iv tried to go direct from DAC to Amp it never sounds as good as a very good pre-amp in the cha... 
A new (huge) R2R high end DAC in town
Same thing iv heard from a few people with Lampi problems which is oftently never posted much on forums. Its more of an gamble on if the DAC will fail or last long enough to sell off.  
Best dac under $2500 - comparing build quality and technologies
Its funny when someone says a End Game DAC at 2000 dollar price Tag!  
Amir and Blind Testing
@larsman's   You tube is rather different to the current big Audio Reviewing industry. Anyone can go on Youtube and say what they want, i see that as a good thing thou. Its the industry I'm talking about the paid Advertisement reviews.  
Kiseki Purpleheart
Hana Umami  
The panic selling of tube audio had begun.
its panic articles and youtube videos causing the stir up.  
Amir and Blind Testing
Reviewers make money from the industry to review products, this also helps them to fund their hobby by gaining products at distributor pricing or even lower. If reviewers kept giving honest reviews about products being over priced and under perfor... 
Amir and Blind Testing
It comes down to one thing, Trust your own ears and stop dwelling on Magazine Reviews which by itself is a paid advertisement industry.  
2020 update : JC Verdier La Platine
Stacore stuff is very pricy, MinusK been arround for years and seem to hold better value for money, Stacore seems to market the stuff to audiophile and as a results puts a audiophile price tags on its products.  
Paul Klipsch was right - What the world needs is a good 5 watt amplifier
Funny thing which i can't seem to explain is why this phenomenon occurs on the Atma-Sphere amplifiers and pre-amps. Iv not really experienced this on other audio gear iv tried tested personally or at friends. If I Measure the room SPL Level at a ... 
Considering buying a used Gryphon Diablo 250
A friend of mine who was a Gryphon fanatic for a good 6 years with various amps moved to Aries Cerat and does not regret it.  
Paul Klipsch was right - What the world needs is a good 5 watt amplifier
i prob hit about 90db splt levels in my room which is heavily treated. I was talking about speaker sensitivity and small amps, you need very sensitive speakers if you using anything under a few watts.  
Paul Klipsch was right - What the world needs is a good 5 watt amplifier
speaker sensitivty buffoons not listening SPL :-)