Responses from pettyofficer
Any vets among the Audiophiles here? Sorry-I feel different! I always concidered it an honor to work defending my Country. Never expected anything in return, certainly never expected to become a millionare. Worked my Butt off, but had the priveledge towork with some of the most profe... | |
J River Vs. Media Monkey Do they sound different Temperature is just fine, I am just extremely disappointed in PC Audio. It is like stepping off of a cliff from other Formats in order to reach the level of Customer Support for PC Audio. Customers providing their own Customer Support, Customers g... | |
J River Vs. Media Monkey Do they sound different Not Angry-Paul_graham! More likely extremely disappointed.PC Audio Fanatics have done nothing, but discourage Novicesfrom getting involved with PC Audio. You don't know how to fix your Music Server on your own, and suddenly you are an idiot! You a... | |
J River Vs. Media Monkey Do they sound different Fair enough-Dtc! My Rants are getting old. The "OccasionalIssues", are getting older. Especially since they are not being addressed and certainly will not be addressed in the near future. These "Occasional Issues", are not getting any younger. It ... | |
J River Vs. Media Monkey Do they sound different As a follow up-Koegz-basically the PC Audio Lunatic Fringe has surrendered all negotiating Customer leverage to thePC Audio Manufacturers. You have no authority to demand better quality product or better Customer Service. If you do demand, you are... | |
J River Vs. Media Monkey Do they sound different What I am reffering to-Koegz-is that alot of issues withComputers bleeds over to PC Audio. Hard Drive Crashes,Malware, Spyware, Viruses, Registry Errors-the list isendless. Every single Microsoft Update to my Windows 7comes with loads of Registery... | |
You know you're an audiophile if-- Go find some Customer Service in PC Audio-now THAT was funny! I got one, how about if I look for some CONVENIENCEto go with that Customer Service? How about if I look forsome Customer Service from a PC Audio Manufacturer RATHER than from another P... | |
J River Vs. Media Monkey Do they sound different I am with Nglazer. PC Audio is nothing more than a Racket.It preys upon those who are simple Novices, whose onlycrime is ignorance! Is it possible to come up with a Mediumto replace PC Audio? One that is further bankrupt in Customer Support, and f... | |
Halide Bridge vs hiFace Evo vs Sonicweld 192 Only thing off track, is complete lack of adequate directions and instructions from PC Audio Manufacturers.If you really want to limit your Market to only Nasa Engineers, there is only so many of them. Your Market isn't going to be worth squat! Do... | |
You know you're an audiophile if-- Hotmailjbc-and where is the punchline in "Pathetic"? Youget alot of laughs calling the Audience "Pathetic" instand up comedy? It is not an exaggeration, it is a reversal, and it is pathetic. Pathetic is a snide remark,see how I used it? Nothing hu... | |
You know you're an audiophile if-- Hotmailjbc-This Post isn't a cry for help. It is supposedto be a humorous view of self reflection of the AudiophileHobby. These Statements are supposed to be over the top asexcessive exaggerations, no relation to reality-pathetic or not! My Refere... | |
MF V-DAC and power supply Hotmailjbc-Sounds like a sweetheart deal. Would love to hear the Sound Quality on it. How does it Sound, and in conjuction with which equipment are you using it? I know what you mean with the Antivirus Stuff with PC. If Microsoft keeps sending me ... | |
MF V-DAC and power supply Hotmailjbc-MAC's are great! Never seen better Video Graphics than on a Desktop MAC. They also cost twice as much as Desktop PC-exception of Mini's and I-Pad's. If I could afford it, I would go for it. I have slammed 8 more Gigs of Ram into my Desk... | |
You know you're an audiophile if-- Abucktwoeighty-it is just like Alcoholism and Smoking.You may stop listening to Music and get rid of your System. If you set one foot in a High End Store, it willstart up all over again right where you left off. It will be like you never quit! I k... | |
MF V-DAC and power supply I figure atleast half of those purchasing the EVO arehaving installation Software problems. If it is War thatis where the Trenches are. We are losing the Battle, and our General (M2Tech) is strangely absent from the Battlefield. When you are talki... |