
Responses from pettyofficer

You know you're an audiophile if--
As long as sqeakiest wheel gets all of the grease, Wagon isrolling along just fine. I think that it is past due forme to get involved in DIY. Time to get hands dirty, smokea few Amps, and learn something for a change! Paying someone else a real bi... 
Best tube dac available?
I could throw my 2 cents in for a Space Tech Labs DAC-DA64XT Super. Not as expensive as those heavy hitters,but four very large Tubes on Balanced Analog out withlarge Power Rectifying Tube. Upgrade path to STR-104external Super Rectifier with real... 
Are CD players dead
This is my last word on this subject. Will have to acceptDownloading Format, and accept eventual end of CD Format.Lost opportunity not to apply more "Caveat Emptor" atbeginning of CD Format. Still weary making same mistake twice of lost opportunit... 
Are CD players dead
Having an RW DVD Disk is acceptable, but having a CD Disk is "BLASPHEMY"-Really? Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that you can use either one as a back-up hard disk?The only difference-one of these you get to skip all of the Computer Proces... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
Audiophiliac- unrealistic fear of Audio Equipment.Audiophile- unrealistic lack of fear around smoking AudioEquipment. Typically characterized by charred black carboncovering Audiophiles face. "I like the smell of a smokedAmplifier in the morning. ... 
Are CD players dead
The difference is if your Music Files fragment/ Hard Drive+Back-up crash/ Viruses/ Malware/ Spyware....etc! Erasedor damaged data on fragile Music Files not so Sonicallypleasing. No such joy (SIC!) with physical media likeCD! Your right, I stand c... 
Are CD players dead
What we are talking about here, is competing Formats. CD's (Ripped or Disk) vs. Downloaded Music Files. "Soonall New Music will only be available via Music Downloads"!That means CD's (Plus the ability to Rip them) is gone!You can Rip a CD onto a M... 
Are CD players dead
"Redbook format through upsampled memory play"??? We aretalking about REPLACING "Ripping" exclusively with "Downloading". There will be no Ripping of Redbook Format if there are no CD's. You call Downloading of MP3/i-Tunesas Downloading Redbook? W... 
Are CD players dead
Homework means having adequate Music Selection first,on the superior sounding Format, and having this prior togetting rid of the old Format. It was never a question ofgetting rid of CD due to SACD since there never was an adequate Music Selection ... 
Are CD players dead
Transition from LP to CD, not the same as transition fromCD to High Rez. Downloads. Why the difference??? Imaginea severe cutback on all LP production with only a handful of CD Music Selection available. Imagine that this was thecase at the start ... 
Are CD players dead
Well said Anonymoustao! My only problem is with thoseDownloaders who have this Ultimatum Finality with CD Format! Will it end, yes. Will it end too soon before HighRez. Downloads have an adequate Music Selection to replace that of CD? We Transform... 
Are CD players dead
Phaelon, this doesn't make up for lack of transition between CD and High Rez. Downloads! There is no Music Selection Overlap here at all. When you change Formats,Music Selection overlap between them means no-one losestheir Music. There is time inb... 
Are CD players dead
Again, everyone avoids the question. How do you keep the Major Labels honest, and committed to increasing MusicSelection in High Rez. Downloads? CD's are supposed to begone by the end of 2012. How do you make up for the loss in CD Music Selection ... 
Are CD players dead
Nothing nostalgic here. Just believe that the only leverageto help incentivise Major Labels actually do continue to increase costly Music selection in High Rez. Downloads, analternative Format with huge selection (CD) be used as a wedge. End of 20... 
Are CD players dead
Guess that there are two types of Music Listeners. Thosewho want better Sound Quality (who call themselvesAudiophiles), and those who just want pretty packages. I have got no problem with that! Just don't confuse prettypackages with better Sound Q...